If in your body there is a lump that is foreign, immediately see a doctor. Because these lumps can be an indication of certain diseases. For every woman, having a lump in the breast is quite scary. But that doesn't mean all lumps in the breast are malignant. Types of lumps in women's breasts, including: Fibro-Adenoma Mamae (FAM), Breast Cysts, Milk Cysts, Abscesses / boils, Cancer, Lipomas.
Fibro-Adenoma Mamae (FAM), is a benign tumor that is round/oval in shape, with various sizes (can be as big as corn kernels, peanuts, or as big as meatballs). The lump is painless and usually not that bothersome. According to the survey, that more than 1 in six women (15%) experience FAM in their lifetime.
The following is a clinical description of the characteristics of Fibro-Adenoma Mamae (FAM), including:
- Occurs in young women, 15-30 years
- Growing very slowly, in years
- Round or oval shape like meatballs
- Size varies from 1cm – 20cm
- Easy to move
- Number can be one or more
A lump in the breast can be an indication of breast cancer. Its characteristics include:
- lump
- ulcers
- Retracted nipples
- Breast skin like orange peel
- Red breast skin
- Breast dimples
- Accompanied by a lump in the armpit
- Discharge from the nipples
Benign or malignant breast cancer is determined by the results of Anatomical Pathology. For benign cancer, just a lump that needs surgery. But for those who are malignant or at an advanced stage, it requires chemotherapy / breast removal / radiation / hormonal therapy.
Therefore you women have to be more careful and understand if a lump appears. If you feel you have these characteristics, immediately check with a general practitioner / surgeon to find out abnormalities and earlier action. The earlier and smaller the size of the tumor when it is found, the smaller the surgical wound and the smaller the scar will be.