Ever Feel Dizzy Spinning? Beware You Have Vertigo

Frequent headaches or dizziness will certainly interfere with many of your activities. If you feel dizzy, you may be experiencing vertigo. Complaints of severe and sudden vertigo can even cause autonomic symptoms such as anxiety to fear.

Vertigo is one of the symptoms when a person experiences the perception of movement that they shouldn't. Sufferers usually experience a spinning feeling of dizziness caused by a balance disorder. This balance disorder is caused by central (brain) and inner ear ( vertibular organ) abnormalities. In general, cases of vertigo are caused by abnormalities in the inner ear or peripheral parts.

Vertigo is often followed by symptoms of nausea and vomiting as well as the patient's inability to maintain body balance. This causes sufferers to have difficulty standing, walking, or even falling frequently. Vertigo attacks usually last only a few hours. However, if it is not treated immediately, vertigo will often recur and interfere with daily activities.

There are some people who are more susceptible to vertigo, for example people who are over 50 years old, are experiencing severe stress or often take antidepressants, often consume alcohol, and people who have ear infections.

Vertigo is actually a symptom and not a disease. That way, the way to deal with vertigo is different because it depends on the disease that causes the vertigo symptoms. It is best if the patient is immediately referred to a neurologist to find the cause that triggers the vertigo symptoms they are experiencing.

Diseases that cause vertigo symptoms vary, ranging from migraines, Meniere's disease, to BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo . BPPV disease is one of the most common. BPPV is caused by abnormalities in the inner ear, specifically in the vestibular system.

Vertigo Symptom Management

Any vertigo caused by peripheral abnormalities or peripheral vertigo can be cured with drugs or with repositioning therapy, such as canalith repositioning therapy and vestibular exercise therapy.

Vertibular nerve depressant drugs are usually treated with drugs of the histamine analogue type. This drug works directly by binding to histamine receptors located on the walls of the bloodstream, including in the ear. By activating histamine receptors, the effect can improve blood circulation. This medicine helps relieve pressure in the ear and can reduce nausea and dizziness.

For some patients who feel unstable so they have to hold on to a wall or even use a wheelchair when experiencing vertigo, doctors will usually recommend the patient to rest completely or be hospitalized.

If you are prone to experiencing vertigo, do this when these symptoms strike:

  • Be aware of the possibility of losing your body balance which can cause you to fall and seriously injure yourself
  • Immediately sit in a chair with a comfortable back or lie down when you feel dizzy
  • Turn on a bright, comfortable light
  • Use a cane to walk if you are at high risk of falling

For proper treatment, immediately consult a doctor to find out the causes of vertigo, the type of treatment, and exercises you can do to relieve symptoms or reduce the frequency of vertigo. Don't forget to get enough rest, often do light massages around the head area, and drink enough water to keep blood circulation smooth. #LiveExcellently