Exclusive Breastfeeding is the Main Solution to Prevent Stunting in Babies

Stunting is still a serious problem in Indonesia. This condition occurs when a child has a height far below the standard for his age due to chronic malnutrition. One of the main efforts to prevent stunting is by providing exclusive breastfeeding, especially in the first six months of a baby's life.

Children need sufficient nutrition to grow and develop. This nutrition is obtained from breast milk.

A baby needs enough nutrition for him to grow and develop well. Not only physically, but also cognitive or brain abilities. We know that brain development is very rapid in the first 1000 days of life. So the need for all these nutrients is needed by babies to grow and develop optimally and for their thinking abilities.

Breast milk also plays a role in preventing stunting in children. Stunting is a chronic malnutrition, one of which is characterized by short stature. Well, this must be prevented by providing breast milk, especially exclusive breastfeeding because research shows that almost 98 percent of stunted children do not receive exclusive breastfeeding. So this is very closely related to providing exclusive breastfeeding.

Breast Milk is the Most Perfect to Fulfill Children's Nutritional Needs

Breast milk has the most perfect formula to meet the nutritional needs of babies. Its content is protein, carbohydrates, fats, multivitamins, minerals and the most important is antibodies so that babies can be prevented from being infected by bacteria, viruses, and others.

Exclusive Breastfeeding Should Not Be Combined with Formula Milk

Because exclusive breastfeeding plays a very important role in the growth and development of babies, it is also emphasized not to mix breastfeeding until the child is 6 months old with other intakes such as water, honey, complementary foods to formula milk. This is because a number of good substances, especially antibodies, are not available in any formula milk except breast milk.

By providing exclusive breastfeeding, mothers can prevent stunting and support optimal child growth and development.

The article was created based on the Healthy Monday Liputan6 collaboration program with Dr. Caroline Mulawi, Sp.A (Pediatrician at EMC Pulomas Hospital).