There are so many complaints of ENT diseases that we encounter in our daily lives, including symptoms of ear pain, hearing loss, fever, discharge from the ears, complaints of runny nose, stuffy nose, nosebleeds, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and others. To determine a diagnosis, an ENT doctor usually has to do a physical examination of the ear, nose and throat.
Ear nose throat (ENT) has important functions, such as hearing, breathing, smelling, speaking, and swallowing food and drink. When there are disorders related to these three parts, it is recommended to see an ENT specialist.
ENT disease and its symptoms depend on the location and cause of the pain. There are various types of ENT diseases. When there are disturbances related to these three parts, it is advisable to see an ENT specialist
Disorders that occur in one ENT organ can affect other ENT organs, because these three organs are interconnected. Therefore, it is important to know ENT disease and its symptoms.
ENT actions related to ear complaints include:
- Obsturan cerumen
Earwax will automatically be cleaned automatically, without having to clean it. In the case of accumulated dry dirt, then it is recommended to clean the ears regularly every 6 months.
- Ear discharge
Complaints of discharge from the ear can be caused by an infection of the outer ear or middle ear. Treatment depends on the complaint, it is often difficult to distinguish whether the cause is due to an outer ear infection or due to a ruptured eardrum. Because of that, do an examination with an ENT doctor for further treatment.
- Hearing Loss
In children, adults, the elderly, hearing loss can occur, which can be caused by many things, which can be degenerative, exposure to noise, ototoxic drugs, sudden deafness and others. In this condition, it is recommended to examine OAE, ABER, audiometry, tympanometry, and insert hearing aids, or perform myringoplasty and cochlear implant surgery.
Actions related to nasal complaints that are usually handled by ENT doctors depending on the symptoms:
- Nosebleed
Nosebleeds can occur for many reasons, they can be functional because the nose bleeds easily, because there are crooked bones/septum deviation, nasopharyngeal tumors, hypertension. In the condition of nosebleeds, treatment will be carried out according to the disease that causes it.
- Sinusitis
If there are complaints of sinusitis/inflammation or inflammation of the sinus cavity in the form of a thick runny nose and stuffy nose, it can be treated by administering a special liquid for washing the nose and anti-inflammatories. If there is no improvement in treatment for 1-3 months, sinus surgery is recommended so that unwanted complications do not occur.
- Dead nose
Sinusitis is often accompanied by anatomic abnormalities in the nasal cavity in the form of hypertrophied turbinates and septum deviation. If mild complaints can be overcome by washing the nose and treating the underlying disease. If there are complaints that interfere with the patient's quality of life in the form of discomfort, disturbed breathing, difficulty sleeping due to blocked nose, pain or headaches, the anatomical complaints can be corrected with endoscopic surgery in the form of turbinoplasty and septoplasty.
- Allergy
Allergies occur when the immune system overresponds to something that is considered foreign, such as dust, mites, mold, animal dander, certain foods, insect stings, or medications.
One of the symptoms of allergies is sneezing, nasal congestion, itching and runny. Allergies can be treated by administering anti-allergic drugs (such as antihistamines), nasal washes, local steroid sprays, immunotherapy, and avoiding substances that cause allergic reactions as the main prevention. In chronic allergic sufferers, there are usually persistent complaints of stuffy nose caused by swollen turbinates or hypertrophied turbinates. Annoying hypertrophied turbinates can be treated with endoscopic surgery with turbinoplasty.
- Olfactory disorders
Olfactory disorders result in a person losing the ability to smell scents. There are many conditions that can cause a person to experience smell problems, including head injuries, nasal polyps, damage to the olfactory nerve, flu, and side effects of medication.
- Nasopharyngeal cancer
Nasopharyngeal cancer is cancer that forms from tissue in the back wall of the nose or throat. Some of the risk factors for developing nasopharynx are a family history of nasopharyngeal cancer, Epstein-Barr virus infection, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Symptoms of this disease can be similar to symptoms of diseases in the nose in the form of runny nose, runny nose mixed with blood, complaints of ringing in the ears, complaints of sore throat, feeling of lump, and complaints of lumps in the neck due to tumor metastases to the lymph nodes in the neck.
Throat Disorders Commonly Treated by ENT Specialists:
- Laryngitis
Laryngitis is swelling of the walls of the larynx (voice box) in the throat. Symptoms that arise are generally hoarseness and pain or discomfort in the front of the neck. Laryngitis in children must be watched out for because the loose connective tissue in children is quite a lot so that shortness of breath easily occurs. Administration of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory is necessary in this condition. In adults, shortness of breath rarely occurs, usually often in the form of a hoarse voice. So that it doesn't get worse, limit talking, avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, dust, alcoholic beverages, and caffeine. In today's lifestyle, diet causes the incidence of laryngitis which is caused by frequent reflux of stomach acid into the larynx. Complaints are sometimes not only in the form of telab pain, hoarseness, but can also continue with ringing in the ears, blocked nose, coughing, triggering vertigo and others. In this condition, it must be treated with medication so that lamnung acid does not rise to the top of the larynx and most importantly changes in lifestyle and diet.
- Laryngeal carcinoma
Complaints that are often encountered are usually in the form of hoarseness, a feeling of a lump in the throat if the tumor is above the vocal cords, and at an advanced stage causes shortness of breath. That's why don't underestimate the sound of hoarseness, if there are complaints of hoarseness, check it early with an endoscope examination of the larynx to see the condition of the larynx. Treatment of laryngeal carcinoma can be steamy surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
- Diphtheria
Diphtheria is caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms include sore throat, neck swelling, fever and weakness. In diagnosing, an ENT doctor will observe signs and symptoms, as well as carry out supporting examinations such as blood tests. To treat this condition, antibiotics are needed according to a doctor's prescription, anti-diphtheria serum.
- Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis)
Inflammation of the tonsils occurs when the tonsils, which are lumps of tissue on both sides of the back of the throat, become swollen due to a viral or bacterial infection.
Symptoms include sore throat, swollen and red tonsils, difficulty or pain when swallowing, white or yellowish coating on the tonsils, swelling in the neck, fever, and bad breath.
Treatment of tonsillitis depends on the cause. If it is caused by a virus, an ENT doctor will generally recommend self-care at home. But if the cause is bacteria, the doctor will give antibiotics.
Surgery may be needed if the tonsils recur frequently, treatment with antibiotics doesn't work, or if inflammation of the tonsils makes it difficult to swallow and breathe. Chronic tonsils are recommended for surgical removal of the tonsils if the complaints of the tonsils recur more than 5 in a year, obstructed sleep apnea, sleep disturbances, impaired concentration in learning, repeated swallowing disorders, or also complaints of bad breath due to obstruction of leftovers and leukocytes on the surface of the tonsils.
Apart from the diseases mentioned above, ENT specialists can also treat disorders of the cleft palate or cleft lip, as well as sleep disorders such as snoring and sleep apnea.
If there are complaints or symptoms of a disease that attacks the ears, nose and throat, you should have this condition checked by an ENT doctor. The doctor will carry out a complete examination, and provide treatment based on the diagnosis of the disease and its causes. early so that further complications can be avoided.
Article reviewed by dr. Irawati, Sp. ENT – KL (Ear Nose and Throat Specialist Doctor EMC Tangerang Hospital). For further information contact: 0857-1783-6336 (Vivi).