Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease with airborne transmission and usually attacks the lungs. Tuberculosis is one of the most common health problems in Indonesian society. Unfortunately, many people do not understand the risks of complications that this disease can cause. The general assumption that tuberculosis only attacks the lungs seems to be deeply rooted in the minds of the people. In fact, the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis can also enter the bloodstream and cause quite serious complications in various other vital organs besides the lungs .
Although tuberculosis complications can occur in almost all human organs, there are some complications that occur most often and need to be watched out for, such as TB complications that occur in several organs below:
- Damage to the Brain
If not handled properly, the bacteria that cause TB can spread through the bloodstream, causing serious health impacts on other organs of the body. One of the most vulnerable organs affected is the brain.
The bacteria that cause tuberculosis can attack the spinal ring and the membranes around the brain (meninges). The condition is known as tuberculous meningitis . Common symptoms that arise due to complications of brain TB are loss of hearing ability, increased pressure on the brain, stroke, decreased consciousness, and even death.
- Impaired Vision Function
TB-causing bacteria that have spread through the bloodstream can also cause interference and damage to the eye. This can occur through direct or indirect infection. There are several parts of the eye that are most commonly attacked, such as the conjunctiva, cornea and sclera. If this happens, the initial symptoms you will experience are blurred vision and eye conditions that suddenly become too sensitive to light.
- Damage to Bones and Joints
Complications in bones and joints are one of the most common cases of complications due to the uncontrolled spread of TB-causing bacteria. Most cases of bone and joint TB complications attack the spine, resulting in serious health problems, nerve damage, and deformed spine.
- Damage to Liver Function
The liver is a part of the body that is prone to complications from the bacteria that cause tuberculosis. Contaminated blood stream can cause hepatic tuberculosis and cause a variety of other health problems, ranging from swelling of the liver to yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to an imbalance of bilirubin.
- Kidney damage _
Tuberculosis complications often attack the kidneys through an infection on the outer surface ( cortex ) which slowly infects the deeper parts ( medulla ). This condition causes other complications, such as calcium buildup, hypertension, pus formation, and kidney failure.
- Damage to the Heart
TB of the heart is a rare case. In this condition, bacteria will attack the pericardium, myocardium or even the heart valves. TB complications in the heart, if not handled properly, can cause heart failure which can lead to death.
These are some of the complications that can occur due to TB. Avoid tuberculosis by maintaining health and carrying out routine health checks. If you feel you have symptoms of tuberculosis, don't delay to see a doctor immediately. During the examination, the doctor will ask the patient to do a sputum examination which is called a smear examination. This AFB examination can be done with samples other than sputum, for TB cases that do not occur in the lungs.
To get good TB prevention and treatment, treatment by professional medical personnel is needed, such as treatment from a Pulmonologist and Respiratory (Pulmonary) Medicine Specialist. dr. Deva Bachtiar, Sp.P who practice on Tuesday at 08.00-12.00 WIB and Friday at 08.00-12.00 WIB at EMC Sentul Hospital. Take care of your health and that of your family so that you always #LiveExcellently.