Minimally Invasive Procedure for Inserting Spinal Implants, Get to Know the OLIF (Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion) Method

Get to know with OLIF ( Oblique Lateral Interbody Fusion)

Maybe you have heard of a treatment for spinal complaints called OLIF. OLIF is one of many spinal surgery techniques that can be performed to treat the spine, Dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta., Sp.OT (K) Spine, Spinal surgeon EMC Tangerang Hospital, which until now has successfully performed nearly 1,500 spine surgeries in just 3 (three) years at EMC Tangerang Hospital and will provide an overview of what is meant by OLIF.

OLIF is a minimally invasive procedure for fusion surgery/implant placement on the spine, where the Spine Consultant Orthopedic Specialist ( Spine ) accesses and repairs the lower (lumbar) spine through the front and sides of the body (passing a passage about halfway between the middle of the spine, abdomen, and sides of the body) only with an incision of ± 3 millimeters. In this OLIF procedure, implants will be used to replace intervertebral discs, so that the patient's lower spine (lumbar) will be more stable and symptoms will decrease or disappear.

Why do you have to use the OLIF technique?

This OLIF technique has advantages compared to conventional surgical techniques. This advantage will be felt for patients who are classified as elderly because with this technique, incisions and bleeding will be minimal and the length of treatment will be relatively shorter compared to other techniques.

The following are the advantages of the OLIF technique compared to conventional surgical techniques:

  • Safer
  • Surgery time is shorter than conventional techniques
  • Shorter recovery process
  • Very minimal incisions
  • The injured tissue is minimal
  • The risk of bleeding is very small
  • Better results

When should you consult with the Doctor

If you experience instability, weakness, or pain caused by one or several of the conditions below, especially if you have already carried out non-surgical therapy, then immediately consult an Orthopedic Spine Consultant (Spine) Specialist, it may be necessary to take an OLIF action. Some of these conditions are

  • Degenerative disc disease is the drop of functionality gradually in the discs (discs), joints, and spinal bones (spine) and generally occurs in elderly people. These changes can gradually compress the spinal cord and nerves, causing various symptoms including pain in the spine, stiffness, and reduced mobility.
  • Pinched nerve
  • Spinal deformities, such as scoliosis or kyphosis
  • Weakness or instability of the spine, which may be caused by an infection or tumor
  • Spondylolisthesis is a condition in which a vertebra/spine slips forward over another

EMC Tangerang Hospital, as one of the best hospitals in providing services for treating spinal complaints in Southeast Asia, is committed to continuing to provide the best quality of service to every patient who comes and seeks treatment, especially for treating spinal problems, where the skills of doctors remain a priority. the main and supported by the development of medical science technology at this time.

Comprehensive treatment in hospital. EMC Tangerang where patients will be handled directly by expert doctors and medical teams and supported by sophisticated medical equipment will certainly provide the best results for patients.

Further information, consultation, or appointment with dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine (Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist, Spine Consultant at EMC Tangerang Hospital), kindly please contact Ekha (+62 878 8989 0102).