Maintaining eye health is a very important thing to do. The eye is an important organ in the human body that has a function as the sense of sight. The health of the eye organs can be maintained by carrying out periodic checks at least once every 6 months. This is done to prevent the eyes from various types of eye diseases.
In general, there are two main symptoms of eye disorders, namely:
- Visual Impairment
- Red eye
Below is a list of common eye symptoms and eye conditions they may be associated with. Keeping track of the types of symptoms you are experiencing is important in helping you and your eye doctor find out if there is a problem. An eye exam can determine what the problem is and how to fix it.
Vision feels blurry or distorted
Long-term blurry vision or distorted vision can be caused by various causes of eye disease. Blurred vision, especially the inability to see objects clearly both far and near, is a sign of simple refractive errors such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or nearsightedness (astigmatism/presbyopia). This can be corrected with vision correction aids such as glasses, contact lenses and LASIK.
Causes of Blurred or Distorted Vision
A more serious cause of blurry or distorted vision is age-related macular degeneration, which often affects primary vision. Objects in the center of the field of view appear distorted, but peripheral vision remains clear. This condition is irreversible and can lead to blindness if left untreated, so early detection is important.
Vision feels dim or dark
Having dim or dark vision, such as when you see things in a fog, may be a symptom of cataracts. This condition is related to age and is a progressive condition that can cause blindness if left untreated. Cataracts can be easily ruled out, so it is important to detect this disease as early as possible. Dim vision can also be caused by other medical conditions such as vitamin A deficiency, sexually transmitted diseases and eye tumors. If you experience dim vision, immediately visit an ophthalmologist for early detection and treatment.
What is Peripheral Vision Loss?
If your main vision is good, but areas outside the main field of view are starting to become less clear or blurry, you may have lost your peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is responsible for detecting motion in the viewing angle and sensing incoming danger. Weak peripheral vision can be dangerous.
Causes of Peripheral Vision Loss
One cause of peripheral vision loss is glaucoma, where eye pressure is usually abnormal. Loss of peripheral vision is not always detectable but as glaucoma progresses, the eye can become very painful and cause blindness. Early detection and treatment are important to prevent vision loss.
Eyes Feel Itchy and Watery
If you experience prolonged itching and watery eyes, you may be allergic to plant pollen, animal dander, or other foreign materials in the environment. This condition can cause discomfort, but usually does not cause significant loss of vision. Your eyes may be easily irritated and tired. Dry eyes can also cause itchy and watery eyes. Your eye doctor can accurately determine the cause of your eye discomfort and suggest treatment.
Do you see floaters in the viewport?
Floaters are strange, dark spots that are sometimes visible in the field of vision. Floaters occur when the small vitreous (jelly-like fluid) inside the eye separates from the inner wall of the eye. Seeing floaters could be an indication of vitreous detachment, or a more serious problem such as diabetic retinopathy which causes the blood vessels in the retina to weaken and break. As a result, blood enters the eye and forms floaters. Floaters can also be caused by retinal detachment, which is a serious condition in which the retina of the eye separates from the other layers of the eye. If you see floaters, see an eye doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.
Do you see flashes ?
Flashes appear as arcs of light across the field of view, or sometimes as flashes of light. Like floaters, flashes are an eye symptom generally associated with vitreous detachment and more seriously, retinal detachment. If you see flashes , visit your eye doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.
Vision Problems and Symptoms of Other Eye Diseases
There are many other symptoms caused by eye problems. Eye pain can be caused by scratches on the cornea or internal eye pressure, which may be a red flag of developing glaucoma. If you experience excessive eyelid movement, this can be caused by allergies or eye infections such as eye redness. If you experience any of the above problems with your eyes or vision, visit your eye doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.
Eye health should not be taken lightly, because it can turn into a more serious problem. If you feel something is wrong in your eye, then you should have it checked by an eye doctor to get the right treatment. Doing regular eye examinations to an ophthalmologist can help you maintain the health of the eye organs. Eating nutritious foods can also help maintain the health of your eyes.