Maintaining an ideal body weight is important for our health and well-being because it has many benefits. Among them are maintaining heart, joint and reproductive health. Apart from that, an ideal body weight can improve the overall quality of life. This can make you more active, have more energy, and reduce the risk of chronic health disorders that can interfere with your lifestyle.
In an effort to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight, following a good and correct diet is very important. Here are some basic principles that can help you achieve those goals:
1. Adjust the composition of nutritional intake
It is important to balance the intake of carbohydrates, protein and fat proportionally in your diet. This will help the body get the nutrients it needs and help maintain feelings of fullness for longer. Choose foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables and whole grains, and avoid foods high in sugar and saturated fat.
2. Balanced portions according to individual needs
Apart from maintaining the quality of the food you consume, also pay attention to the portion size you eat. Reducing portion sizes can help control your calorie intake and allow you to taste the types of foods you want without overdoing it. Using smaller plates or counting calories can help you manage proper portions.
3. Avoid processed foods and fast foods
Processed foods and fast foods tend to be high in sugar, salt and unhealthy trans fats. Try to replace them with fresh and natural foods that are lower in calories and richer in nutrients. Many side dishes, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and high-protein foods such as lean meat, fish, or tofu can be good choices.
4. Drink lots of water
Water is very important in a healthy and correct diet. Drinking sufficient amounts of water helps maintain body moisture, improves metabolism and facilitates digestion. Avoid fizzy drinks, energy sports drinks, or other sweet drinks that are high in sugar.
5. Pay attention to how to cook
How to cook also plays a role in a good and correct diet. Avoid frying food, because it will add calories and fat to your dish. A better option is to cook using grilled, boiled, or steamed methods.
6. Maintain a regular eating pattern
Setting a regular eating pattern is important. Eating regularly in the same amount and at the same time helps keep blood sugar levels stable and prevents excessive hunger. Avoid skipping main meals and set a consistent schedule.
7. Stay Active
In addition to maintaining a healthy diet, it is also important to maintain an active lifestyle. Regular exercise can help burn calories, build muscle, and improve overall health. Choose a type of exercise that you enjoy and stay consistent in doing it.
8. Consult a Nutritionist
Before starting a new diet, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist or doctor to ensure the diet you are following suits your body's needs. A nutritionist can help create a meal plan that suits your individual nutritional needs.
Remember, a good and correct diet is not something instant, but rather a sustainable lifestyle change. Consistency and discipline will help you achieve your goals and maintain your health in the long term.
Article written by dr. Yuliyana Kusaeri, M.Gizi, Sp.GK (Clinical Nutrition Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).