Guide to Self-Isolation for Sufferers of Covid-19

10 Ways to Self-Isolate at Home:

  1. Stay at home and don't interact directly with the public.
  2. Use a separate room from other family members.
  3. Always keep a distance of more than 1 meter.
  4. Wear a mask (including those who care for it).
  5. Measure body temperature every day and note the development of body condition.
  6. Avoid sharing cutlery, toiletries and linens/sheets.
  7. Apply Healthy Clean Living Behavior (PHBS) by consuming a balanced nutritional diet & frequently washing hands with soap.
  8. Bask every morning in direct sunlight.
  9. Clean frequently touched objects with disinfectant.
  10. Contact the nearest health care facility if the condition worsens.

Beware of the following Symptoms & Signs of Danger:

What to do if you experience Symptoms of Covid-19?

  • To the hospital. Immediately consult a doctor at the nearest Health Center / Hospital.
  • Use a Mask. Medical masks or 3-layer cloth masks, and are replaced every 4 hours.
  • Separate Equipment. Try to separate cutlery from other family members.
  • Hand Washing Routine. Use soap and running water / use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Self Isolation. If the symptoms are mild, self-isolate for at least 10 days, until symptom-free for at least 3 days.
  • Maintain a distance. When communicating with family members, keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
  • Cover Mouth & Nose. When sneezing/coughing, always cover your mouth & nose with your sleeve.