Mothers, Free Yourself from Stretch Marks and Confidence Back After Giving Birth

After going through the moment of being pregnant for 9 months and finally being able to rock your beloved baby, it definitely makes a mother feel emotional and happy. Happy to be able to cuddle a baby whose presence is missed as well as anxiety because there will be various challenges in the future.

But it's not only the problem of raising a baby that makes a mother feel anxious, the changes in a mother's body after giving birth sometimes make her anxiety increase. The body stretches after giving birth, stretch marks that appear on the skin of the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and even the breasts can make a mother's confidence decrease.

Stretch Mark Triggers

Stretch marks are characterized by pink streaks that then turn white or darken. This skin disorder arises due to stretched skin in pregnant women due to weight gain. Stretch marks not only appear on the abdomen, but also on the arms, breasts, hips, thighs and buttocks, as pregnancy progresses. Pregnant women affected by stretch marks also often complain of uncomfortable itching. If a pregnant woman scratches the itchy stretch marks , sores can develop and leave black marks if scratched excessively.

Prevent Stretch Marks

Not all pregnant women experience stretch marks , depending on the elasticity of their skin. The more elastic the skin, the less risk of stretch marks forming. But once there is a stretch that causes a tear in the skin, once formed it will be difficult to completely remove.

Don't worry, there are several ways to prevent stretch marks by taking care of the outside and inside of the body as much as possible from the beginning of pregnancy. You can start by maintaining skin elasticity from the inside by consuming at least two liters of water a day and consuming foods high in vitamins E, C, zinc and silica which help form collagen and play a role in skin elasticity.

For skin care from the outside, you can start regularly applying moisturizing cream, especially those containing vitamin E. If needed, you can use a special cream for pregnant women which can prevent stretch marks from occurring. This special cream has a higher moisturizing content than regular cream and is safer in terms of cream composition because it is specifically for pregnant women. Also complete with the use of bath soap that contains enough moisturizer and avoid using bath water that is too hot.

Postpartum Care

If stretch marks have already appeared on the skin, it is not enough to use cream to remove them because they will only fade without being able to remove them completely. As an alternative, a Laser Smoothing Scar procedure can be performed to help fade or completely remove stretch marks .

Don't let stretch marks interfere with your appearance and take away your confidence. Immediately consult your needs with the team of doctors at EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center who have complete solutions for skin and body beauty treatments through various procedures. Starting from non-invasive (non-surgical), aesthetic surgery, to reconstructive surgery supported by modern technology and doctors who are experienced in their fields.

As proof of EMC Sentul Hospital's commitment to providing the best service, EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center has received certification from the International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Organization (ISAPS). By getting treatment at EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center , you can get back your best appearance free of stretch marks . #LiveExcellently

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