A medical check-up or health check-up is one of the important things that must be done, not only when you feel sick, medical check-ups are also important when we feel our bodies are healthy because sometimes we can't really control a disease in our body. feel its presence.
For those of you who are elderly, having a medical check-up is even more important because the elderly are more vulnerable to various diseases. As you get older, your immune system and metabolism also decrease. Therefore, it is very important to carry out a thorough medical examination for the elderly to detect hidden diseases, such as kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases. That way, you can prevent the risk of disease or treat disease early. For the elderly, here are some tests that are important to do regularly:
Blood Pressure Check
High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases experienced by the elderly. Hypertension in the elderly will increase the risk of having a stroke in the future. Hypertension also increases the chances of the elderly experiencing kidney damage, heart disease and various other serious health problems if blood pressure is not managed properly.
Not only high blood pressure, low blood pressure that drops drastically can also be dangerous for the elderly. This condition makes them often experience dizziness, unsteady bodies, and a sensation of fainting which can make their bodies prone to falling. Older people's bones are usually weakened and thinned, so a fall can cause broken bones or other serious injuries. Therefore, if you are entering old age, you should have your blood pressure checked regularly to avoid or treat conditions of high blood pressure and low blood pressure that can trigger other, more serious diseases.
Eye Examination
With age, visual function usually decreases. Apart from checking whether your eyeglass lenses still match your eyes, an eye examination can also detect eye diseases, such as glaucoma and cataracts. Do regular eye examinations and consume foods that have lots of nutrients for eye health, such as foods that contain lots of vitamins A and C.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) Examination
An EKG is done to determine the health of the heart's electrical activity. From this examination, you can find out if your heart is working normally or not. Through the EKG test, you can also find out the rate and rhythm of your heart rate strength. That way, you can find out if there are problems with your heart's work. It's best to do an ECG examination with a frequency of once every three years. However, if you already have heart disease or related complaints, you should do an EKG more often or according to the advice of a cardiologist.
Cholesterol Check
Cholesterol is basically a type of fat in the body, but if it is too much it will clog the blood vessels. This blood blockage can cause strokes and heart disease. If your family has a history of cholesterol, you should have regular cholesterol checks so that you can find out the cholesterol level in your body and take the necessary action if the cholesterol level is too high.
Bone examination
As you get older, the bone tissue gets weaker and the ability of the bones to absorb minerals decreases too. Therefore, you need to do a DEXA scan . DEXA scan itself is a technology used to accurately measure bone mineral loss and detect osteoporosis.
Those are some medical check-ups that need to be done by the elderly. In addition to the types of medical examinations that have been mentioned, elderly men also need to carry out examinations around the area of the reproductive organs, such as the penis, testicles and prostate to find out whether there is disease in these organs. As for elderly women, it is necessary to check mammograms and pap smears. So, don't wait for the disease to appear, do a medical check-up right now so you can prevent or treat the disease earlier. #LiveExcellently
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