Intermittent Fasting, The Key to Calorie Deficit for Ideal Weight

Fasting is nothing new to do in the world of health and wellness. Since ancient times, fasting has been a common practice in various religious and cultural traditions. However, nowadays fasting is not only intended for religious practice, but also for health reasons. The intermittent fasting (IF) diet method is a diet method that is on the rise and continues to receive attention from various groups. This fasting method offers various benefits, one of which is to help achieve ideal body weight with calorie restriction.

Intermittent Fasting concept

Intermittent Fasting is a method of regulating fasting activities by involving periods of eating by specifying certain times to close or open the eating window periodically. In this eating pattern, more specifically, a person fasts for a certain number of hours or days, and then eats and drinks for a set amount of time. There are several types of choices for intermittent fasting and the most commonly used are 16/8, 24-hours, 5:2, and Eat-Stop-Eat.

The 16/8 fasting method involves fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8 hour period. For example, a person may start fasting at 7pm and end at 11am the next day, and then eat within an 8 hour period between 11am and 7pm, and so on. Furthermore, the 24-hour method involves fasting for 24 hours non-stop, while the 5:2 method involves consuming a low number of calories for 2 consecutive days of the week and eating normally for the remaining 5 days. And the Eat-Stop-Eat method involves fasting for 24 hours once or twice a week.

How Intermittent Fasting Works?

The Intermittent Method can help you lose weight while still managing your diet and is more effective when accompanied by calorie restriction. This method of Fasting Diet or IF helps achieve calories by limiting the time you eat. When you are only allowed to eat for a certain period of time, regulated and limited calorie consumption will increase the burning of fat reserves for the body's needs as an energy source. When you eat, your body breaks down food into glucose, which is used as an energy source for your body. However, if you don't eat for a certain period of time, your body will directly use fat reserves as a source of energy. This helps burn the fat your body stores and helps you lose weight.

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Apart from helping you lose weight, intermittent fasting also has other health benefits. Some of the health benefits of intermittent fasting are:

  • Increases insulin sensitivity

Several studies suggest that alternating fasting can improve insulin sensitivity. Poor insulin sensitivity can cause an increase in blood sugar and increase the risk of developing diabetes. By following this diet, the body is given time to process glucose and improve insulin sensitivity, which can help prevent the risk of developing diabetes.

  • Improve heart health

Intermittent fasting can help improve heart health by reducing blood pressure, sugar levels, and cholesterol levels and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

While intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and improve your health, it's important to note that this diet isn't right for everyone. For those of you who have problems with health such as diabetes, hormonal problems, and digestive problems, you should consult with your doctor first. Also, if you decide to try intermittent fasting, it's important to make sure that you're eating healthy and nutritious foods during your meal periods.

Article written by dr. Retno Kuntarti H, M. Nutrition, Sp.GK (Clinical Nutrition Specialist at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).