Exposed to Covid-19? Come on, Know the Types of Drugs for You Who Are in Isolation!

Until now, there is still no specific drug that is effective in treating corona virus infection - 19 (covid-19). However, several drugs such as antivirals and antibiotics have been shown to increase immunity and treat symptoms that generally appear in Covid-19 patients.

Over time, more and more new variants of Covid-19 have emerged. The Omicron variant is the newest variant and is thought to be the majority cause of the large number of Covid-19 cases in this third wave. In mild to moderate cases, independent isolation (isoman) or integrated isolation can be done.

Then, what types of drugs can help fight Covid-19 when you are isoman? Come on, see more!

Medication for asymptomatic patients

If you have tested positive for Covid-19 even though you don't feel any symptoms, here are the types of multivitamins and supplements that can be consumed for 14 days

  • Multivitamin containing vitamins B, E, Zinc.
  • Vitamin C as much as 500 mg per 6-8 hours
  • Vitamin D 1000-5000 IU per day
  • Medicines with antioxidants

Medication for patients with mild symptoms

If your Covid-19 test results are positive and you experience mild symptoms such as flu, cough, sore throat and fever, you can take the following medicines regularly for 14 days:

  • Multivitamin containing vitamins B, E, Zinc.
  • Vitamin C as much as 500 mg per 6-8 hours
  • Vitamin D 1000-5000 IU per day
  • Antivirus according to the availability of each health facility
  • Medicines according to symptoms such as flu, cough and fever such as paracetamol.
  • Medicines for existing co-morbidities or complications

Those are some types of medicines that need to be consumed if you are at home. For more accurate and safe treatment, you can consult a doctor at a trusted and safe hospital. In addition, you need to apply a healthy lifestyle and strict health protocols while undergoing independent isolation or integrated isolation. Stay safe and healthy!

Article written by dr. Lucrezia Renata, Sp.PD (Internal Medicine Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).