Enjoy Exercising? Beware of 5 Common Types of Sports Injuries!

Maintaining health and fitness is something that must be done by everyone. One way to do this is to exercise regularly. Sports require high coordination and concentration because we are required to be active. Not infrequently sports actually cause injury due to accidents or wrong movements. In order for sports to run smoothly, be aware of the following types of sports injuries that most often occur!

  1. Ankle sprain
    Sprains or injuries to the ankle are one of the most common injuries. This type of injury is common during sports such as jogging , stretching exercises, and jumping. The cause of an ankle injury is a tear in the ankle ligament, tendon, or muscle. To prevent sprains can be done by routinely doing flexibility and balance exercises.
  2. Knee injury
    Knee injuries are the most common injuries in sports that rely on the knee for support such as running, soccer and volleyball. This type of injury is quite excruciating for the sufferer because it causes excruciating pain. For first aid in the event of a knee injury, immediately compress using ice and avoid strenuous activities so that you recover quickly.
  3. Shoulder injury
    A shoulder injury is a condition when there is excessive movement of the shoulder joint causing it to tear or swell. Generally, this injury is prone to occur in athletes who perform repetitive shoulder movements, such as swimming, tennis and golf. Shoulder injuries can be prevented by regularly doing muscle-strengthening and flexibility exercises to the shoulders, upper back, and core.
  4. Shin injury
    Shin injuries usually occur due to inflammation in the muscles caused by a sudden increase in the intensity of physical activity. This condition generally occurs when exercising running, basketball, and football. Symptoms of a shin injury can be marked by pain in the shin and surrounding muscles. Pain due to a shin injury can be overcome by compressing it with ice and taking pain relievers.
  5. Lumbar injury
    Lumbar injury is a condition when the waist or lower back feels pain. Usually this condition is caused by tight, torn muscles or pinched nerves. Sports that are most prone to back injuries are golf, cycling, and lifting weights. This injury can be prevented by regularly stretching and strengthening the spinal muscles.

To avoid sports injuries, warm up before starting physical exercise. First aid in the event of a sports injury can be done by resting the injured part, compressing it using ice, splinting or pressing the injured area with an elastic bandage , and lifting it to a position above the heart. However, if the condition does not improve, it should be taken to a doctor at the hospital. If you have a sports injury, you can visit the EMC Sentul Hospital Sport Clinic which will provide integrated and comprehensive services in dealing with complaints related to your sports activities.

Article written by dr. Anita Suryani, Sp.KO (Specialist in Sports Medicine at EMC Sentul Hospital).