Narcotics or narcotics and illegal drugs refer to a group of compounds which, when consumed, can lower the level of consciousness, create hallucinations, or pose a risk of addiction for the user. Even if consumed in excess, the user can experience an overdose which can lead to death.
In the medical world, several types of narcotics are used on a limited basis for pre-operative anesthesia or for pain relief for certain health problems. However, in non-medical use, some people often abuse drugs for reasons of trial and error, for fun, even to forget about problems. Because illegal drugs are strong drugs that can only be used for medical purposes with a doctor's prescription, their abuse can cause various negative effects on health.
Not infrequently, drug users experience changes in behavior and psychological conditions in a negative direction, such as hallucinations, becoming apathetic, and having difficulty controlling themselves. Not only psychological disorders, there are also many serious physical health problems that can arise due to drug use, such as the following health problems.
Liver disfunction
Drug use can cause liver function disorders due to hepatitis B and C which are experienced by many injecting drug users. The hepatitis B and C viruses can indeed be transmitted through the bloodstream. Therefore, injecting drug users have a high risk of contracting the hepatitis virus from the exchange of needles by IDUs ( Injection Drug Users ). Hepatitis can cause an infection in the liver which can increase the risk for sufferers to experience more serious health problems, such as liver failure, liver cancer, and permanent liver damage (cirrhosis of the liver).
Immune System Disorders
One of the most vulnerable health problems experienced by drug users is a disorder of the immune system. This disorder occurs due to exposure to drug substances that make the immune system continue to decrease. Injecting drug users also have a greater potential for contracting HIV/AIDS which interferes with the body's immune system.
Transmission of this disease can occur due to contact with the patient's body fluids, including blood, through the sharing of needles and syringes by IDUs ( Injection Drug Users ). In general, HIV/AIDS does not cause specific symptoms or signs so that sufferers tend not to be aware of this disease in its early stages. After entering a more severe phase, sufferers will experience a decrease in immunity which can cause infection and organ dysfunction which makes people with HIV/AIDS potentially experience disease complications.
Nervous System Disorders
Drug abuse, such as heroin, can cause various disorders of the nerves, ranging from numbness that appears in the limbs of sufferers to blurry vision. Nervous system disorders in drug users can occur because during use, impulses or stimulation of the nerves become very active and fast, this causes an unbalanced electrical current in the brain. If left continuously, it is not impossible that disorders of the nerves can turn into permanent nerve damage which results in strokes or even paralysis.
Disorders of the Blood Vessels and Heart
Drugs have a negative impact on the health of the heart arteries. Narcotic substances that flow in the blood vessels slowly reduce the elasticity of the blood vessels thereby triggering diseases related to blood vessels, such as leaks and blockages in the blood vessels. Some types of drugs, such as cocaine and ecstasy stimulate an increase in catecholamine hormones which cause the heart to work harder, this can cause muscle death and heart failure.
Given the many negative impacts that can arise and the level of addiction that is difficult to let go of due to drug use, it is better to control yourself and educate those closest to you to protect yourself from the dangers of drugs as a first step to maintaining the health of you and your family. If you or a family member is already abusing drugs, don't delay immediately carrying out the rehabilitation process through counseling or medical treatment under the supervision of a doctor so that you and your family can have a better life. #LiveExcellently