Scoliosis is a condition that shows a curved spine, like the letter C or S, and is most often found in children before puberty, which is around the age of 10-15 years. Common symptoms that arise from this scoliosis condition include:

  • The body of a person with scoliosis leans to one side
  • One shoulder higher
  • One of the shoulder blades appears more prominent
  • Uneven waist height

If the condition of scoliosis becomes more severe, it can cause lung, heart, or weakness in the leg area. There are several conditions that trigger scoliosis, namely: spinal cord injury; spinal infections; spinal discs and joints worn out due to aging ( degenerative scoliosis ), congenital ( congenital scoliosis ); nerve and muscle disorders ( neuromuscular scoliosis ), such as muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy .