Elderly Gymnastics

Saturday, December 8 2018, at the EMC Sentul Hospital parking lot, an Elderly Exercise was held with 90 participants from various regions (Sentul City, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency and Bogor).

A series of activities were carried out starting from free blood pressure and sugar checks for the elderly, then elderly gymnastics, health education, distribution of door prizes, and also giving gimmicks. Not only participants from outside, but EMC Sentul Hospital employees were also very enthusiastic and participated in this event until it was finished.

This activity was carried out to increase awareness among everyone, especially the elderly, about the importance of maintaining health, and teach them to do light sports such as gymnastics to avoid various diseases. EMC Sentul Hospital also hopes that this activity can be carried out regularly so that awareness of the importance of health will also be wider.