caudal epidurolysis

Caudal epidurolysis is an action that is classified as minimally invasive in an effort to free nerve compression from fibrotic tissue in patients who experience a disorder known as Canalis Lumbar Stenosis. Complaints that can be experienced by patients with Lumbar Stenosy Canalis are pain or a very disturbing feeling such as numbness/tingling in one of the legs due to walking for approximately 50-100 meters or standing for a long time and in general by resting/sitting for a while, these complaints can be relieved. getting better, but if you walk a little again or stand for a long time, the complaints will arise again. Diagnosis can be made definitively with MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) on the waist (lumbar).

This Caudal Epiduroyisis action is assisted by local anesthesia and drugs that are inserted into the epidural space to help relieve compression (pressure) on the pinched nerve sheath. This action will generally reduce or eliminate the patient's complaints. Caudal epidurolysis is performed with the help of an ultrasound device and a C-arm (movable X-ray device).

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