Women Must Be Wary of Lupus Disease!

Every woman who enters her teens must maintain her health, starting from paying attention to her diet, activities, and so on. This is because at that age hormonal changes occur in a woman's body which causes her to be susceptible to various diseases.

Did you know that lupus disease most often affects women? Lupus disease is an immune system disorder that occurs in the body, or it is also called an autoimmune disease that causes the body's cells to become damaged and become inflamed.

Based on data from the online Hospital Information System (SIRS) in 2016, a total of 2,166 inpatients were diagnosed with lupus. This number has doubled compared to 2014 which amounted to 1169 cases of lupus. And in 2016, the death rate from lupus was 550 people.

Maybe some of you have heard of lupus. But do you understand what the symptoms are, and how to handle them? Some of the symptoms commonly experienced by people with lupus such as:

  • Joint pain
  • Swollen joints
  • The mouth or nose has sores that don't heal for days to months.
  • Blood or even protein in the urine (proteinuria)
  • There are rashes on various skin surfaces
  • Hair loss
  • Fever
  • convulsions
  • Chest pain and difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the lungs

Lupus disease is commonly known as the disease of 1000 faces. This term arises because the symptoms experienced are very general and similar to other diseases. So the disease is difficult to detect early. Lupus disease itself has various types and different causes. So if you feel some of the symptoms mentioned above, immediately go to the hospital to get fast and appropriate treatment.

*summarized from various sources*