What is the Chemotherapy Process Like for Cancer Patients?

What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a procedure for treating cancer by eradicating cancer cells in the patient's body using drugs. These drugs work by killing, preventing the spread, or stopping the growth of cancer cells.

How is Chemotherapy done?

The most common way that chemotherapy drugs are given is through a needle into a vein. This is called intravenous or IV chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can also be taken as a pill, capsule, or liquid by mouth, as a shot or injection, or as a cream that is applied directly to your skin.

Why is chemotherapy needed?

Chemotherapy is used to kill cancer cells. The results and goals of this procedure depend on the type of cancer and its stage. Here's how it works:

  • Cure cancer
    In some cases, chemotherapy can destroy cancer cells until doctors can no longer detect cancer cells in the body. The best outcome, cancer cells will not come back. But this does not happen in all cases.
  • Control the growth and development of cancer
    Chemotherapy can control cancer cells so they don't spread to other parts of the body or slow their growth.
  • Relieve cancer symptoms
    In certain cases, chemotherapy cannot treat or control the spread of cancer cells. This procedure is used to reduce symptoms caused by cancer.

How is chemotherapy used?

Occasionally, it treats Cancer on its own, but more often it is used in combination with:

  • Surgery : A doctor removes a tumor or cancerous tissue, or an organ contaminated with cancer cells.
  • Radiation Therapy : A doctor uses invisible radioactive particles to kill cancer cells. It may be delivered by special machines bombarding your body parts from the outside, or by placing radioactive material, close to, and even inside your body.
  • Biological Therapy : Live material in the form of bacteria, vaccines, or antibodies is carefully introduced to kill cancer cells.

Who needs chemotherapy?

In general, chemotherapy is used to treat cancer. In some cases, this therapy is the only treatment option for treating cancer. However, some sufferers have alternative treatments besides chemotherapy. Therefore, the cancer treatment method determined by the doctor depends on the type and spread of cancer, as well as other medical conditions that the patient has.

How Long Does Chemotherapy Treatment Last?

The length of chemotherapy treatment depends on the type of chemotherapy you receive. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Some people need a continuous infusion, which can last several days. Continuous infusions may be started in a hospital or infusion center and continued at home.

Most people need several rounds of chemotherapy. You may receive daily, weekly or monthly maintenance.

How Long Does Chemotherapy Last?

It depends on:

  • Types of Cancer Suffered.
  • How long have you been in Derita?
  • Treatment goals: cure, control growth, or reduce pain
  • Types of Chemotherapy
  • How the Body Responds to Treatment

Usually chemotherapy is done in "cycles", which means a period of treatment and then a period of rest. For example, a 4 week cycle might be 1 week of medication and then 3 weeks of rest. The rest allows your body to make new, healthy cells. Once the cycle is planned, it is best not to skip treatment, but your doctor may recommend it if the side effects are serious. Then your medical team will likely plan a new cycle to help get you back on track.

Can Cancer Come Back After Chemotherapy?

Can Cancer come back after Chemotherapy or any kind of Cancer Treatment. After treatment ends, the care team often requests follow-up visits to check for disease.

The healthcare provider (RS.EMC Tangerang) may recommend more cycles of chemotherapy to treat the cancer that comes back.

Article reviewed by dr. Martin Batubara, Sp. PD-KHOM (Internal Medicine Medical Consultant on Hematology Oncology EMC Hospital Tangerang).