Want To Do Tummy Tuck? Get to Know the Definition, Procedures and Risks First!

Having a flat and toned stomach is everyone's dream. However, there are many things that cause the stomach to become distended and saggy, including rarely exercising, obesity, drastic weight gain, and having been pregnant and giving birth. The condition of a distended stomach and sagging can certainly make self-confidence decrease. In the end, one of the solutions that most people choose to get a flat and tight stomach again is to do a tummy tuck procedure.

What are tummy tucks ?

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that aims to make the stomach appear flat and tight. In contrast to liposuction or liposuction , tummy tuck can remove excess fat tissue to sagging and sagging skin layers. Not only that, during this procedure, the abdominal muscles will also be tightened.

Who is allowed to do the tummy tuck procedure?

Tummy tuck can be done by anyone as long as it meets the following criteria:

  • There is excess skin and fat tissue in the abdominal area or sagging lower abdominal wall
  • Having a flabby stomach due to drastic weight loss, after undergoing liposuction, or after pregnancy and childbirth
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 30
  • Not planning to get pregnant again (for women who have been pregnant and gave birth)
  • Do not suffer from chronic diseases such as heart, chronic liver, or diabetes
  • Never had abdominal surgery before (not an absolute contraindication)
  • Not planning to lose weight drastically
  • Do not have blood clotting disorders or hemophilia

What is the Tummy tuck procedure?

Prior to the tummy tuck procedure, the patient will be under general anesthesia (general anesthesia). The plastic surgeon will then make an incision following the crease above the pubic hair. After that, the doctor will free the layers of skin and fat above the fascia of the abdominal muscles from the bottom up to the ribs and navel, freed from the layers of skin and fat. The lining of the abdominal wall will be repositioned as before, then the excess skin will be removed with an elliptical design and the incision will be sutured back layer by layer. Before closing the skin, the loose part of the abdominal muscles will be sewn to the middle and a tube with a vacuum drain will be placed in the pubic hair area of 2 pieces. This procedure takes 4-5 hours.

What happens after the tummy tuck procedure is done?

After the tummy tuck procedure is complete, the plastic surgeon will stitch up the incision and cover it with a waterproof bandage. During treatment the patient must be given antibiotics by infusion to reduce the risk of infection.

In order to prevent fluid/seroma from occurring in the surgical area, patients are advised to walk more frequently after surgery and are prohibited from taking blood thinners. Meanwhile, to deal with pain in the stomach, doctors can also prescribe pain relievers. Patients are advised to wear a special corset for at least 3 weeks to speed recovery and reduce swelling.

In addition, the patient will be asked not to do activities that put pressure on the stomach, such as suddenly bending the body forward or backward. The recovery process after tummy tuck surgery usually takes about 6 weeks. During the healing period, the patient must check his condition to the doctor regularly.

What are the risks that may arise from the Tummy tuck procedure?

Like any surgical procedure in general, tummy tuck has some risks, namely:

  • Bleeding
  • Asymmetrical results
  • The formation of scar tissue or permanent scars
  • Changes in skin color, swelling due to seroma, and pain in the operated area
  • Damage or death of skin tissue in the stomach (the risk of complications will be greater for smokers)
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin or seroma
  • The healing process is quite long

Those are some things you need to know before doing a tummy tuck , a plastic surgery procedure to get a flat and tight stomach. If you feel confident about doing a tummy tuck , follow the plastic surgeon's instructions to avoid side effects and complications. Immediately see a doctor if you experience complaints of severe pain, bleeding, and fever after carrying out a surgical procedure. #LiveExcellently

Article reviewed by dr. Imam Susanto, Sp.BP-RE(K) (Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).