These Antioxidant Rich Fruits Can Protect You from Free Radicals

You often hear the term "free radicals"? The term is usually associated with something that has a negative impact. This is quite appropriate because actually free radicals are harmful substances that damage the tissues of the human body. Free radicals can come from by-products of food processing in the body or from the air as well as the body's reaction to exposure to sunlight, radiation, cigarettes and pollutants.

Free radicals in your body are in fact molecules that have lost one of their free electron pairs, making them unstable molecules. This unstable molecule still needs a partner to balance, but because it does not find an electron pair, it will turn into a free radical molecule. The more free radical molecules in your body, the greater your risk of experiencing premature aging and developing impaired heart function and cancer.

Luckily, our bodies produce antioxidants as a natural solution to ward off free radicals. Antioxidants work as electron donors for unpaired free radicals. The goal is to prevent free radical molecules from stealing electrons from healthy body cells. In addition to providing electron pairs, antioxidants also neutralize the negative properties of free radical molecules.

However, contributing factors to free radicals, such as air with high levels of pollution, junk food , cigarette smoke, and exposure to sunlight cause the body's natural antioxidants to not be strong enough to counteract free radicals that enter. For that, you need additional antioxidants.

You can find antioxidants in foods that contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids which are found in many fruits. Here are the types of fruit with high antioxidants.

  1. Strawberry

Strawberries contain lots of vitamin C which can capture and neutralize free radicals. The content of vitamin C in strawberries also functions to maintain endurance, prevent anemia, and act as an antioxidant for the skin so that your skin looks youthful.

Not only vitamin C, strawberries also contain another form of antioxidant called anthocyanin. The substance that gives strawberries their bright red color is useful for reducing your risk of developing heart disease. This substance works by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol.

  1. Blueberries

Until now, blueberries are known as the fruit with the highest antioxidant content. Every 100 grams of this fruit contains 9.2 mmol of antioxidants with an ORAC score of 9.019.

Just like strawberries, blueberries are also rich in vitamin C which captures and neutralizes free radicals. By consuming blueberries regularly, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer, brain damage, and high cholesterol.

  1. Kiwi

Kiwi fruit is rich in antioxidants in the form of vitamins A and E. Vitamin A functions to overcome several types of cancer, protects eye health, and boosts the immune system.

Meanwhile, vitamin E can break free radical chains, especially for those of you who have smoking habits or are often exposed to sunlight. In addition, vitamin E also helps stabilize blood pressure and prevent cancer.

  1. Apple

Besides being easy to find, apples contain flavonoids which are a form of antioxidant with a myriad of benefits. Flavonoids in apples function to repair your body's cells damaged by free radical molecules and help the body to absorb vitamin C more perfectly.

  1. Raspberries

Like strawberries and blueberries , raspberries also contain antioxidants. In 100 grams of this fruit contains 4 mmol of antioxidants which function to kill potential cancer cells in the stomach, colon and breast up to 90%.

Of course you want the maximum benefit from the antioxidant content contained in these fruits. For that, make sure the fruit you consume is in a fresh condition. Don't forget to wash the fruit under running water before consumption so that there is no residual dirt or fertilizer attached. Also try to consume high-antioxidant fruits regularly so that your body is increasingly protected from free radicals. #LiveExcellently