The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body whose job is to pump blood throughout the body, so that all cells and organs of the body get sufficient oxygen and nutrients to be able to carry out their functions. If there is damage to the heart will have an impact on the function of other organs of the body.
Heart disease is known as the number one killer disease in the world. The assumption that heart disease only occurs in elderly people is not correct, because heart disease can occur at any age. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to heart health as early as possible. If someone already has heart problems, of course, a complete examination is needed so that they can be handled properly. In addition to treatment with drugs and certain actions, people with heart disease must also maintain a lifestyle, diet and physical activity and exercise which is good for the heart.
Many types of exercise are safe and recommended for people with heart disease. However, because there are many variations and types of heart disease (for example: coronary heart disease, heart failure/heart failure, heart valve disease, heart disease due to hypertension, congenital heart disease and others), it is better for someone to consult a doctor first a heart and blood vessel specialist to evaluate his physical and heart fitness, so that he can get recommendations for what exercise is right and safe to do, including: type of exercise, frequency, intensity, duration/duration and what needs to be monitored.
Some light exercise that is recommended for people with heart disease include:
- yoga
Yoga is not only good for mental but also good for physical health, especially the heart. Various relaxation and stretching movements accompanied by breathing settings have a good effect on the heart.
- Bicycle
Casual cycling is an alternative for heart sufferers. Cycling stimulates the body to release endorphins, can strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, and burn fat in the body. For those aged > 50 years, it is recommended to do static cycling both indoors and outdoors, starting with a duration of 10-15 minutes with a frequency of 3-4 times/week, which can be increased gradually. For those who are younger, cycling starts from 10-15 minutes/day, can be increased gradually up to 30 minutes, according to individual abilities and recommendations from cardiologists.
- Walk
Walking is the easiest exercise to do and has many benefits for heart sufferers. Walking with a duration of approximately 30-60 minutes with a frequency of 3-4 times a week can improve blood circulation in the body.
- Heart exercise
Heart gymnastics is a series of movements that activate most of the muscles in the body. The main purpose of heart exercise is to strengthen the heart muscles and increase the flow of oxygen from the heart throughout the body.
Whatever sport you choose, the most important thing is to pay attention to your physical fitness and your body's capabilities. Paying attention to this is highly recommended, because if you don't know your body's limits and capabilities, then exercise can actually be bad for heart health. Do moderate exercise regularly and not excessively so that our heart gets optimal benefits. Consult your heart condition to get recommendations and tips for exercising safely.
Article written by dr. Bambang Widyantoro, Sp.JP, PhD (Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).