Second Cataract, Why Does It Happen?

If you have had cataract surgery, is it possible that your vision will become cloudy or blurry again? The answer: Maybe. What is the cause? Is it dangerous? Of course it becomes dangerous if your vision becomes foggy and blurry. So you should immediately consult an Ophthalmologist.

The condition of foggy or blurry vision after undergoing cataract surgery can be caused by several things, one of which is 'second cataract' or known as Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO), namely the condition of clouding of the lens capsule after cataract extraction surgery. During cataract cleaning surgery, vision will usually be brighter and clearer. However, after several months to years, in some people the vision slowly becomes cloudy again due to the PCO. Several risk conditions that cause second cataracts or PCO include: cataract surgery performed at a young age, patients with a history of recurrent eye inflammation/red eyes, people with diabetes mellitus or diabetes, eye glaucoma, dry eye disease (Dry Eye). Disease), and hypertension; however, it also does not rule out the possibility that a second cataract can occur to anyone without accompanying conditions. The incidence of second cataract or PCO is 20-50% at 1-5 years after undergoing cataract cleaning surgery.

Symptoms are felt in the form of foggy, blurred or blurry vision, decreased visual acuity, difficulty reading, and glare. Of course, all these complaints will really disturb someone in their daily life.

The good news is: the treatment for a second cataract or PCO does not need to be operated again. This second cataract, or PCO, can be treated with the Nd YAG Capsulotomy laser procedure, which is safe, fast, and quite effective. The PCO or second cataract will be cleaned using a safe Nd YAG laser, so that the cloudiness in the lens capsule disappears and the visual pathway reopens. Thus, it is hoped that the patient can see again. This laser procedure is performed in an outpatient service and only takes 10-15 minutes to carry out. So the patient does not need hospitalization. This laser capsulotomy procedure is performed by a trained Ophthalmologist. Before the laser procedure, the patient will be given drops that dilate the pupil (eye beads) and anesthetic drops to reduce pain during the laser procedure so that the patient feels comfortable during the laser procedure.

This laser capsulotomy procedure is relatively safe, generally no serious complications occur after the procedure. Possible complications such as inflammation and increased eye pressure can be treated with short-term eye drop treatment. Apart from that, the appearance of small blackish shadows floating in your eyes can also occur during the first few days after the laser procedure, but this condition will generally gradually improve on its own.

After laser treatment, it will take several days for your vision to return to light and clarity. You will be given eye drops to treat inflammation after the laser procedure and protect your eyes from infection. What you need to do is keep your eyes clean, get enough rest, remain patient, and be disciplined in using the medication given. After 1 week you will be asked to check in with an ophthalmologist to ensure your eyes are in good condition. Generally the laser procedure only needs to be done once and it is very rare for a second cataract to recur.

The Nd-YAG Laser Capsulotomy service for treating second cataracts or PCO is available at EMC Cikarang Hospital. If you have complaints and symptoms as above, please come and have your eye health and vision checked by an Ophthalmologist at the EMC Cikarang Hospital Eye Clinic. We are ready to help and serve you.

Article written by dr. Andreas Surya Anugrah, Sp.M, AIFO-K, CP.NLP (Eye Specialist at EMC Hospital Cikarang).