When the body is disturbed, of course it will have an impact on activity. Moreover, the disorder is known to be caused by a pinched nerve and almost everyone has experienced it.
One of the most common complaints is low back pain (LBP). However, it should be known that 80 percent of LBP conditions are caused by lumbar muscle problems, and can be treated conservatively, alias without surgery. You do this with rest, medication, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and others.
However, what must be understood regarding conservative therapy, namely if there is no improvement in pain within 6-8 weeks, it means that you have to look for other causes besides muscle problems. Other causes, for example, low back pain , especially in productive age, is a condition called Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP).
Pinched Nerve Location
HNP is a condition where the spinal discs protrude, so that it can cause a pinched nerve. In many cases, the most common locations for HNP are the lumbar (waist) and cervical (neck). While the most rare is the thoracic or back.
The complaints of those who experience a pinched nerve vary. Starting from tingling that radiates to the hands or feet, neck or waist pain, weakness or paralysis of the limbs, to difficulty holding back bowel movements or urination.
Healed Without Operation
There are many ways to deal with back or neck pain due to a pinched nerve. As many as 15-20 percent of those who experience pinched nerves or HNP need surgery. However, as many as 80-85 percent of HNP cases are handled without surgery.
Yes, without surgery. That's because the development of medical technology is currently leading to minimally invasive techniques . Likewise with surgical techniques in spinal cases such as HNP.
Currently the surgical technique of microdiscectomy for HNP cases remains the gold standard . However, a technique called Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy (PELD) is currently being developed.
Treatment is Local Anesthesia Only
PELD is a pinched nerve surgical technique, which can be performed under local anesthesia. It's just that in the process, the doctor needs to make an 8mm incision, and one day care can be done or without hospitalization.
Interestingly, the operation time only takes 20-40 minutes, there is no need to install implants and the bleeding caused is very minimal. The work is also carried out with the help of lenses and monitors, so that the nerves are clearly visible and injury can be avoided.
With an incision of only 8mm, the PELD technique provides several advantages, including that the patient will feel minimal postoperative pain, can walk immediately after surgery so that the patient can return to activities or work more quickly.
Patients are often concerned about the risk of paralysis in spinal surgery including the lumbar region . It should be noted that the level that is often affected by HNP is in the lumbar region at L45 and 5S1.
At the L45 and L5S1 level operations, there were no nerves moving the thigh and knee muscles, so theoretically it was almost impossible for paralysis of the lower half of the body to occur as most patients fear. With proper indications and good working techniques, the PELD surgery success rate can reach 98 percent.
If you need consultation and treatment regarding pinched nerve problems, you can consult with the Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist Consultant Doctor, dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta, Sp. OT (K) Spine . Doctor Harmantya practices every Monday and Wednesday from 15.00-17.00 at EMC Tangerang Hospital. Please contact Ekha (EMC Tangerang) on 0878 8989 0102 if you want to ask for more information or register. #LiveExcellently