With so many busy lives and activities in today's society, it certainly demands excellent stamina and a healthy lifestyle. It is not uncommon for unfit conditions to cause or hinder people from carrying out their activities. One of them is pain, and one of the pains that people often experience is pain in the back or lower back or what is often called the lumbar region.
Of course, there are many causes of back pain and there are several ways to treat it, starting from lifestyle changes, rest, physiotherapy, medication, to surgery, according to the doctor's recommendations.
There are times when the doctor will recommend surgery to treat pain that does not improve even though conventional treatment such as medication and physiotherapy has been carried out for a certain period of time. There are many types of surgery to treat spinal complaints that can be performed. Spine Center Hospital. EMC Tangerang with dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine, as one of the best spine treatment services in Asia Pacific can treat spine complaints with various modern, minimally invasive and advanced surgical techniques.
Among several types of surgical techniques, ALIF (Anterior lumbar interbody fusion) is one of them. This technique is one technique that only a few hospitals in Indonesia can do. Dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine has successfully performed this technique on many patients at the hospital. EMC Tangerang.
Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is a surgical procedure that strengthens the structure and stability of the back by connecting two vertebrae into one using an anterior approach (front - through the abdominal area) to unite (repair) the bones of the lumbar spine.
Intervertebral fusion i.e. the intervertebral disc (the disc that forms the cartilage joint between the vertebrae, providing very efficient shock absorption) is removed and replaced with a bone (or metal) spacer, in this case using an anterior approach (front - through the abdominal area). The anterior technique is often chosen when several levels of the spine are being fused and several discs need to be removed. ALIF can be performed simultaneously with or without posterior decompression (laminectomy) and/or instrumentation (implants). The anterior ALIF approach is also ideal when only one level of the spine is fused and posterior decompression and/or instrumentation is not required.
The ALIF technique is generally performed to treat painful spinal conditions, due to spinal displacement (spondylolisthesis) and/or damaged spinal discs. Meanwhile, the risks and things that need to be avoided after the ALIF procedure will be explained by the doctor during the consultation before the procedure is carried out
Some of the advantages of the ALIF technique:
- Relatively safer
- Faster recovery process
- Relatively short treatment, namely 1-3 days
- The back muscles and nerves remain unaffected
- The natural curvature of the spine can be restored more efficiently and effectively
The results of surgery using the anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) technique in the treatment of spondylolisthesis and degenerative disc disease are generally very good. Numerous research studies in medical journals show over 87-97% good or excellent results from ALIF surgery and patients experience significant improvement in their back pain and return to activities.
To get information about the hospital's spine treatment services. EMC Tangerang, you can contact Ekha: 0818 0818 0812
Article written by dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta, Sp.OT (K)Spine (Specialist in Orthopedics & Traumatology, Spine Consultant at EMC Hospital Tangerang).