Neck Pain? Maybe the ACDF (Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion) technique is the solution!

Anyone can experience neck pain, in developed countries 15% of adults can experience neck pain that can last all day. Many factors can create discomfort in the neck which can interfere with daily activities, reduced range of motion, impaired concentration, and so on. This of course reduces the quality of life of sufferers.

Neck pain may develop suddenly, such as from an injury, or it may develop slowly over time, such as from years of poor posture or due to degenerative factors.

If neck pain does not weaken the function of other organs and is not caused by trauma , then the pain can usually be reduced by self-care, such as :

  1. Taking a break for the neck / body from strenuous activities or movements that exacerbate pain
  2. Ice or heat therapy on the painful area for 15 or 20 minutes with at least 2 hours in between to give the skin time to heal
  3. Light stretch . Some neck pain or muscle tension is relieved by mild range of motion stretches. If certain movements or stretches make the pain worse, stop and try other movements instead.

After doing the above, sometimes the pain is still felt and does not decrease, so medical treatment is needed, such as drugs , physiotherapy , or injection therapy.

Basically the pain is divided into three groups, including:

  1. Acute pain is pain that lasts less than 4 weeks
  2. Sub - acute pain is pain that lasts 4 to 12 weeks
  3. Chronic pain is pain that lasts for 3 months or more

Must be treated immediately

Pain in the neck must be treated medically immediately if you experience one or several of the following conditions:

  1. Pain that radiates down both arms or legs (painful myelopathy )
  2. Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or legs
  3. Problems with balance or coordination
  4. Loss of bowel or bladder control (unable to control bowel movements)
  5. Unintentional weight loss
  6. Fever or chills
  7. Severe headache with a stiff neck

Medical measures that can be taken include:

  1. Physiotherapy
  2. Medical acupuncture
  3. Medicines according to doctor's recommendations
  4. Injection therapy ( Radiofrequency ablation, Cervical epidural steroid injection, Trigger point injection)

If the actions mentioned above have not been able to resolve the pain or even worsen the pain, then surgery must be carried out immediately.

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)

Good news for patients who experience neck pain, especially those caused by degenerative factors in the cervical spine, along with the progress of spine surgery, these complaints can be treated with the ACDF technique. This technique has proven to be effective in dealing with these complaints. ACDF is a wise choice if medicines, physiotherapy or injections have not yielded the expected results. ACDF's actions aim to free the pinched nerve, remove the damaged disc and stabilize the cervical vertebrae.

The doctor performs a minimal incision from the front or back and uses special instruments designed to avoid cutting the soft tissues in the cervical spine.

The advantages of this method ACDF are:

  1. Minimum Risk
  2. Success rate 93% to 100%
  3. Minimum Incision
  4. Minimum pain
  5. The recovery process is faster so that patients can return to their activities

Diagnosis enforcement is supported by sophisticated medical support equipment and supported by Medical Rehabilitation carried out after surgery, this will certainly optimize the results received by patients. Delaying ADCF action certainly will not alleviate the patient's condition, especially since non-surgical efforts have been made and have not been successful.

This service will be handled directly by:
dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine at RS. EMC Tangerang
who practice every day: Monday (15.00 to 17.00 WIB) & Wednesday (13.00 to 15.00 WIB).
For further information contact: Ekha (0878 8989 0102)