Control Risk Factors, Reduce Stroke Incidence Rates at All Ages

Until now, stroke is still the third most common cause of death in the world, and in Indonesia, the incidence rate starts to increase from the age range of 45 years to more than 75 years. It is known that the incidence of stroke in Indonesia has reached 12.2% and has brought it into a national health problem (Riskesdas 2018). In the world, it is estimated that there are 50 million stroke cases with 9 million of them experiencing severe, long-term disabilities and are at higher risk of experiencing cognitive impairment than those who do not have a stroke.

The shift in the age of occurrence of stroke to be younger is certainly a high concern in the medical community and society. Based on studies that have been conducted at home and abroad, it was found that inadequate control of stroke risk factors is a strong factor in the occurrence of this phenomenon.

Risk factors that are directly related to changes in the condition of blood vessels that are commonly found include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and increased cholesterol levels (dyslipidemia). The above risk factors are also closely related to a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and/or alcohol consumption levels, and an unbalanced diet.

The risk factors above can change the elasticity or shape of the blood vessels, causing thickening of the blood vessel walls, which can form a plaque in the blood vessels. These vascular conditions generally don't give any symptoms at first, but can become a stroke if they don't get the appropriate treatment

Preventive management that can be done in an effort to reduce the incidence of stroke, especially at a young age, apart from adopting a healthy lifestyle, is to check risk factors related to these blood vessels.

One of the prevention that can be done is to see directly the condition of blood vessels with regular ultrasound method. The modality for ultrasound of the main blood vessels of the brain is called CDUS ( Carotid Duplex Ultrasonography) to see the condition of the main blood vessels of the brain before entering the head cavity and TCCD ( Transcranial Color Coded Duplex ) to see the condition of the blood vessels of the brain in the head cavity. This modality tends to be comfortable for patients because it is non-invasive and uses low-frequency ultrasonic waves so it doesn't have side effects. This modality provides a real-time overview of blood vessels so that results can be obtained quickly and treatment can be given immediately if needed.

Examination of the risk factors above can be done at least once a year for those who have no complaints, and a shorter time for those who have a higher risk, such as the elderly. or those who have complaints that can be related to blood vessel disorders.

Article written by dr. Rineke Twistixa Arandita Sp.N (Neurologist / Nerve Specialist at EMC Pulomas Hospital).