Don't be lazy to brush your teeth, this is the result

For those of you who have experienced toothache, you know how disturbing our daily activities are. According to the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Dentists Association (PDGI), Drg Zaura Anggraini, it is ideal to brush your teeth twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night before going to bed. At night, mouth activity is reduced and automatically saliva is also reduced. This causes the number of bacteria in the mouth to double.

Leftover food will then be fermented by bacteria into acid. This acid is dangerous because it dissolves tooth minerals, causing caries and other oral and dental problems. If you don't rinse your mouth and brush your teeth diligently, it will be easier for germs and bacteria around the teeth and mouth to grow, bad breath (halitosis) and fungus or canker sores in the oral cavity will also occur more easily.

The following are various oral and dental health problems due to lazy toothbrushes:

  1. Gingivitis: A condition in which the gums appear swollen and redder than usual. This condition can arise due to plaque and tartar that sticks to and accumulates on the edges of the gums. This condition can lead to more severe complications, namely periodontitis – a serious inflammation of the gums that causes damage to the soft tissue and bones that support the teeth.
  2. Dental caries: Caries is the appearance of cavities in the teeth caused by bacteria. This disease is the most common oral disorder among the people. Dental caries needs to be treated immediately, with fillings or tooth extraction, depending on the condition. If not, over time the holes that arise will get wider and deeper, so that they can damage the teeth and cause infection in the root canals of the teeth.
  3. Sensitive teeth: Sensitive teeth are caused by a decrease in the position of the gums. This situation can occur due to improper toothbrush habits, dental caries that are not handled properly, broken teeth, and side effects of the wrong teeth whitening process. Sensitive teeth can cause complaints of toothache, aching pain, or pain, especially when exposed to cold food or drinks.
  4. Bad breath: Bad breath generally comes from the health of the oral cavity that is not properly maintained. This condition can also occur as a result of cavities, tartar buildup, or the use of dentures that are not cleaned regularly.
  5. Canker sores: Occurs due to decreased immune system, mouth injuries due to accidental biting, improper use of dentures, or a lack of supply of vitamin B 12. Canker sores generally disappear on their own within 2-3 weeks. If it often recurs or doesn't heal in more than a month, you should immediately see a doctor.

Studies have also found that the habit of being lazy to brush your teeth can increase the risk of getting cancer. People who are lazy to brush their teeth cause gum problems or periodontal disease. A study in the journal Cancer Research shows that periodontal disease has a relationship with the incidence of esophageal cancer or cancer that occurs from the throat to the stomach. If you don't want to experience it, start to maintain oral and dental health from now on.

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