It's important to know, these 5 food lists are good for preventing lung cancer

Currently, there are many things that can make our lungs unhealthy. Starting from increasing air pollution coupled with cases of forest and land fires (karhutla) which cause very bad smog, especially for the lung health of people who live close to the fire area.

The habit of smoking or vaping that is difficult to get rid of also has a negative impact on lung health. Not only active smokers are negatively affected by cigarette smoke, passive smokers can also have unhealthy lungs if they inhale smoke from their daily environment too often.

If lung health is neglected, coupled with an unhealthy lifestyle, it is possible that lung cancer will emerge. Therefore, it is better to immediately get rid of smoking habits and start eating foods that are good for lung health.

Some foods are also believed to make the respiratory tract and lungs healthier if consumed, especially if you are often exposed to pollution or smoke. Then what are the types of healthy foods that need to be consumed for lung health? Here's the description.

  1. Apple

Eating one apple a day can keep a person from lung cancer. This is because apples contain lots of flavonoids. Flavonoids are similar to antioxidants which can repair cells damaged by free radicals so they can prevent cancer formation. Apart from preventing lung cancer, consuming apples regularly can also reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and prevent asthma.  

  1. Spinach

Folate contained in spinach is said to be able to prevent lung cancer, even for those of you who used to smoke cigarettes frequently. Apart from folate, spinach also contains lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant so it can inhibit the emergence of cancer cells due to free radicals.  

  1. Green tea

One glass of hot green tea is loaded with antioxidants that calm the body, because green tea contains quercetin , which is an antioxidant that can act to ward off free radicals so that it can reduce the potential for inflammation and cancer in the lungs. Hot green tea is also good for protecting the lungs from irritation by expelling the mucous membranes and for helping to keep the airways in the airways clear.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli is known to have many benefits, one of which is to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer. Broccoli contains glucosinolates, which are sulfur compounds that can help reduce the risk of lung cancer by up to 32%. If you don't like broccoli, there are several types of vegetables that can be used as alternatives to prevent lung cancer, namely cauliflower, kale, cabbage or radish.

  1. Fish

Not only good for brain intelligence, fish can also be a cancer prevention. Omega-3 contained in fish is a very good fatty acid for preventing various diseases, including lung cancer.

Those are some good foods to prevent lung cancer, as well as to prevent you from other respiratory diseases. Start consuming these foods regularly, avoid cigarette smoke and alcohol, exercise regularly, also use a mask when leaving the house for healthy lungs. #LiveExcellently