Invest in Your Health with Routine Medical Check Up

Health is a valuable asset that we must take good care of. Without optimal health, everything in our lives will be disrupted. Therefore, it is important for us to take preventive steps to maintain and monitor our health status. One way is to do regular medical check-ups or MCU. A medical check-up is a medical procedure that involves a series of tests and examinations to evaluate a person's health condition. With MCU, we can identify early (screen) the presence of a disease or health disorder in our body and prevent a disease as early as possible because treatment can be carried out more quickly and the risk of complications can be prevented more quickly.

Why Do You Have to Do MCU Routinely?

When you feel healthy, there is not necessarily no risk of disease in your body. Always preparing yourself by regularly doing MCU is a proactive step that can provide an overview of your body's health status. Apart from that, other great benefits are also obtained when regularly doing MCU, such as:

  • Early Detection of Disease

Routine MCU can help to detect diseases or medical conditions early, even before symptoms appear. Many serious diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, stroke and cancer show no symptoms in the early stages. By having regular check-ups, we have the opportunity to identify potential health problems and take appropriate preventative or treatment steps early. This can increase the chances of a better recovery and reduce the risk of serious complications.

  • Prevention and Health Promotion

Routine MCU is also a means to prevent disease and promote overall health. Apart from carrying out tests and examinations, the doctor will provide advice on a healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise and stress management. Doctors can also provide necessary immunizations to protect us from infectious diseases.

  • Reduces the Risk of Complications

Through routine medical check-ups, doctors can evaluate the risk of certain diseases based on your medical history, lifestyle and other risk factors. By knowing the risk factors you may face, you can take appropriate precautions. For example, if you have a history of uncontrolled high blood pressure with a family history of stroke, your doctor can recommend steps that you can take such as a low salt diet, low fat diet and keeping cholesterol levels within normal limits, which aims to reduce the risk of it occurring. Stroke is one of the risks of complications that can occur in people with high blood pressure.

What's Checked in the MCU?

Here are some things that are generally checked when doing an MCU:

  • Current Condition and Medical History

The doctor will assess the current condition with anamnesis/interview and take a complete medical history, including family history, history of previous illnesses, history of allergies, and current use of medications. This information helps in determining risk factors and understanding the individual's health background.

  • Physical examination

A physical examination is carried out to evaluate the general physical condition of the body by measuring body weight, height, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and examining body organs such as the lungs, heart, stomach, skin, and others. Physical examination helps in finding early signs of disease or abnormalities.

  • Blood Test

A series of blood tests at MCU include routine blood tests (hemoglobin levels, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets/platelets), blood sugar levels (glucose), blood fat profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL), liver function, kidney function, as well as other special tests such as pregnancy tests in women. Blood tests provide information about general health conditions, organ function and risk markers for certain diseases.

  • Urine Test

Urine tests on MCU are carried out to evaluate kidney function and detect infections or other disorders.

  • Eye and Hearing Examination

The MCU part also involves an eye and hearing examination with the aim of evaluating visual acuity, eye pressure, possible other eye problems such as cataracts or related eye diseases as well as hearing function.

  • Dental and Oral Examination

MCU often includes a dental and oral examination that observes the overall condition of the teeth, gums, and mouth to detect dental problems, gum disease, or other oral infections.

In addition, depending on individual needs and certain health risk factors, MCU also performs additional examinations such as X-ray examinations, EKG (electrocardiogram) to check the electrical activity of the heart, Pap smear tests on women to detect cervical cancer, as well as other special tests as needed. . Immediately check and consult a doctor about your health to prevent the risk of developing certain diseases.

Article written by dr. Fita Rahmasari, MKK, Sp.OK (EMC Pekayon Hospital Occupational Medicine Specialist).