Augmented Reality (AR) Innovation In Spine Surgery, First in Asia

The first in Asia, the EMC Tangerang Hospital Spine Center as a center for treating spinal complaints and dr. Harmantya Mahadhipta Sp.OT (K) Spine presents AR ( Augmented Reality ) technology as a new innovation for treating spinal complaints.

AR ( Augmented Reality ) is a technology that combines two-dimensional and three-dimensional virtual objects into a real environment and then projects them as reality in real time. AR ( Augmented Reality ) can be applied to all senses, including hearing and touch. Of course, we have often read, seen on television or watched movies about AR ( augmented reality ) technology and now this technology is here for you. The AR ( augmented reality ) system used at the EMC Hospital Tangerang's Spine Center has also received FDA 510(k) approval for intraoperative spinal surgery with precision guidance.

AR ( Augmented Reality ) assists doctors in placing implants with precision like robots and like GPS which provides maps/roads that assist doctors during operations. This tool also converts the patient's imaging data into a 3-dimensional hologram that can be seen through a special lens and the hologram is affixed to the patient's body, so that the doctor can focus directly on the surgical goal without having to look away from a separate monitor. The application of AR ( Augmented Reality ) at the Spine Center of EMC Hospital Tangerang for the installation of implants/ pedicle screws is a big step towards making surgical guides that are precise, complete and more economical compared to other navigation technologies.

The Doctor Operator/ Doctor in Charge of the Patient (DPJP), namely Orthopedic Specialist Doctor and Traumatology Spine Consultant, will examine the patient and determine the most appropriate course of action including whether to use AR ( Augmented Reality ) technique or not. However, the following conditions can use AR ( Augmented Reality ) during surgery, namely:

  1. Pain in the lower back and legs.
  2. Spondylosis (aging /degeneration of the spine).
  3. spinal stenosis (narrowing of the space in the spine that can compress the spinal cord and nerve roots exiting each vertebra where the symptoms include back and/or neck pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and legs.
  4. Degenerative disc disease (The bearings in the spine have begun to wear out/degenerate).
  5. Scoliosis (deformity of the spine that can form the letter C or letter S).
  6. Spinal Instability ( spondylolisthesis) is a spinal condition that causes low back pain. It happens when one of your vertebrae, your vertebrae, slips out of place onto the vertebrae below.
  7. And others.

The process of spinal surgery with AR ( Augmented Reality ) is also carried out with better preparation. The doctor operator performs surgical planning on a computerized system and data processing, so that when the operation is carried out, the implant can be carried out more quickly and precisely.

The application of AR ( augmented reality ) in spinal surgery has advantages including:

  1. Safer
  2. Without / minimal radiation. Patients and/or doctors will be minimally exposed to radiation or even without being exposed to medical device radiation
  3. Increase efficiency, accuracy and precision in implant/pedicle screw installation in the patient's body
  4. Shorter operating time
  5. The cost is relatively more affordable than other navigation systems because it does not depend on just 1 (one) type of implant

AR ( Augmented Reality ) in spinal surgery at the Spine Center of EMC Hospital Tangerang is a combination of experienced specialist doctors with advances/innovations in medical device technology that will provide new experiences and optimal quality of service for patients.

It is a matter of pride for Indonesia for being the first country in Asia to perform spinal surgery with AR ( augmented reality ).

For information, you can contact: 0818 0818 0812 (Ekha).