This is what to do when a child has measles


Almost everyone must be familiar with measles. But do you know how to treat measles sufferers, especially children? Although measles can attack anyone, children and especially those with weak immune systems are more vulnerable and at high risk of getting measles.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection, and symptoms experienced include fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye/conjunctiva) and skin rash. Transmission of the infection usually occurs by inhaling splashes of measles sufferers. Sufferers can transmit this infection within 2-4 days before the appearance of the skin rash and as long as the skin rash is present. Someone who has had measles before will not be able to catch it again because they are already immune to the disease.

Symptoms will appear in people who have been infected with the measles virus after 1-2 weeks. The initial symptom is a high fever with a body temperature reaching 40 degrees Celsius. High fever for about 4-7 days, and is usually followed by nausea, decreased appetite, vomiting, coughing, red eyes and runny nose. These symptoms are commonly referred to as the prodromal phase.

After about 2-4 days since the appearance of the prodromal phase, reddish spots will appear which are called Koplik spots. Koplik spots are small white patches that usually appear on the inside of the mouth, namely on the inside of the cheeks and the roof of the mouth. Koplik spots usually last 3-5 days.

If your child has measles, here are the steps you can take to care for your little one:

  1. Get enough rest : Reduce physical activity and play. Adequate sleep, which is 8-10 hours, can restore the immune system which functions to fight viruses that multiply in the body
  2. Limit contact : Because measles is very easily transmitted through the air, it's best to limit your child's contact with other people, especially if there are babies who haven't received the measles vaccine. Other family members who have never had measles should also be careful.
  3. Food control : Consumption of nutritious food plays an important role in the child's healing process. Prioritize 4 healthy 5 perfect foods, by increasing the portion of vegetables and fruit that contain lots of vitamins. Then avoid fried and cold foods for a while
  4. Keep clean (bathing) : After the child is not hot, you can bathe your little one, to reduce itching and provide comfort. Use baby soap that doesn't irritate the skin. Or another solution, you can wipe the child's body with a wet towel and then powder salicil talc after bathing to reduce itching. In addition, during illness and recovery, prepare special personal equipment for your little one including towels and cutlery such as plates, spoons, forks and glasses. This is to avoid transmission through indirect contact
  5. Avoid dehydration : The high fever that children experience during measles depletes the body of fluids and electrolytes. Give enough water to drink to maintain body fluids and replace lost fluids if the child also experiences vomiting and diarrhea during measles.

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