Improve Men's Quality of Life, Recognize Various Types of Prostate Disease

Having excellent health is something that many people, both women and men, want to have. The human body has many important organs, all of which have their own roles. One of these organs is the prostate which men have as part of the entire reproductive system. The prostate itself is a glandular organ that covers the male urinary tract (urethra) which aims to secrete fluid that fertilizes and protects sperm. Unfortunately, problems are often found in the male prostate which of course hinders the reproductive system and makes daily activities less comfortable. This prostate disorder usually occurs in men aged 50 years and over. However, recently, symptoms of prostate disease have also been experienced by younger groups of men, namely 50 years and under. If not treated and treated immediately, prostate disorders will biologically affect the quality of life of the person suffering from it. Therefore, it is necessary to know what prostate disorders are so that we can prevent them early and improve the quality of life. What exactly are prostate problems and how to treat them? Let's look at the information below.

Prostate disorders are conditions that occur because the prostate gland, which is only found in the male reproductive system, experiences enlargement or swelling, resulting in disruption of the urinary tract which is surrounded by the prostate. The normal size of the prostate is the size of a walnut and will get bigger with age. However, if the prostate is too large due to swelling, it can cause health problems. These disorders can occur due to narrowing of the urinary tract due to pressure from the enlarged prostate or even being completely blocked. There are several types of prostate disorders that can attack men, namely:

  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
    BPH is a health disorder in the form of benign prostate enlargement which occurs when the prostate gland enlarges so that the urinary tract becomes narrowed. This condition can cause the bladder muscles to thicken. Over time, the bladder wall will weaken making it difficult to pass urine. The symptoms of this disease are difficulty urinating, weak and stagnant urine flow, a feeling of incomplete urination after urination, and frequent urge to urinate at night.

    BPH can be cured with appropriate treatment such as administering drugs, namely campurtide and finasteride. This drug is able to reduce the size of the prostate and relieve the symptoms of BPH by inhibiting the effects of the hormone dihydrotestosterone. However, the use of these two drugs should not be done carelessly and must be accompanied by a doctor's instructions because they have quite serious side effects such as decreased sperm quantity, impotence, and the risk of baby defects. Therefore, consult this disease with a doctor as best as possible to receive safe and maximum healing.

  2. Prostate Cancer
    Prostate cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the prostate gland that develops uncontrollably so that it can affect and inhibit the urinary tract and sexual function. When it spreads, cancer cells can escape from the prostate capsule to enter the gland which is like a small tube above the prostate. This prostate disease can be caused by having a family history of prostate cancer, an unhealthy lifestyle, exposure to chemicals that are dangerous and carcinogenic or it can also be due to having suffered from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as syphilis , HPV, gonorrhea, etc. etc. The symptoms caused by this disease are difficulty urinating, decreased urine flow, bone pain and discomfort in the pelvic area, as well as blood in the urine and semen.

    Treatment for prostate cancer itself can be done through surgery or surgery which is carried out by removing cancer cells in the prostate gland. Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is also a treatment to kill remaining cancer cells after surgery. Radiotherapy is also done to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Apart from that, chemotherapy can also be used as a treatment for prostate cancer which uses drugs to inhibit and kill cancer cells. Prostate cancer patients are expected to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that treatment can run smoothly by doing sufficient exercise , consuming nutritious food, and stopping smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages.

  3. Prostatitis
    Prostatitis is inflammation that causes the prostate gland to swell. The symptoms of this disease include pain when urinating, frequent urination at night, bloody urine, weakened urine flow, and sexual dysfunction. Based on the cause, prostatitis is divided into several groups, namely:
  • Acute bacterial prostatitis, namely a type of prostatitis caused by infection with the bacteria Escherichia coli , Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis .
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis, which is a type of prostatitis caused by the same bacterial infection as acute bacterial prostatitis, but the development of chronic bacterial prostatitis takes longer and tends to be slower.
  • Chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is thought to be caused by stress, irritable bowel syndrome , and physical injury to the prostate gland.
  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis , namely prostatitis which is characterized by inflammation of the male prostate gland, but this type of prostatitis does not cause symptoms.

    Treatment that can be done for prostatitis is through giving antibiotics as an initial treatment to fight bacteria and can be given orally (drink) or if the sufferer is in a serious condition. Anti-inflammatory drugs can also be given to reduce pain, reduce fever, and make sufferers feel more comfortable. Not only that, drugs that are useful for inhibiting adrenaline can also be given to sufferers to relieve symptoms of pain when urinating by helping relax the muscles and bladder neck.

These are some prostate disorders and how to treat them. It is important to remember that all use of medication and other healing alternatives must be consulted first with a professional doctor so that the healing process is safer, faster and optimal. Therefore, our doctors at EMC Hospital are ready to provide wholehearted health services supported by other medical personnel who are professionals in their fields to provide comfort during your treatment. Consult your health with us and improve your quality of life better than before!

Article written by dr. Dwiki Haryo Indrawan, Sp.U (Urological Surgery Specialist at EMC Pekayon Hospital).