Symptoms of Eczema in Babies You Need to Know

Babies have sensitive skin because their skin tissue tends to be thinner than adults. Therefore, one of the skin conditions that often occurs in babies is eczema. Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that experiences inflammation. Babies have a higher risk of eczema if their parents also have a history of allergies. In general, eczema symptoms in babies will appear in the first 3-6 months of their lives. However, in some cases eczema only appears when the baby reaches 2 years of age.

Symptoms of Eczema that Appear in Babies

It is important for parents to know the symptoms of eczema in babies so they can take the right steps in caring for their baby's skin so that their baby's quality of life remains comfortable. Here are some common symptoms of eczema in babies that you need to know.

  • Red and Scaly Rash

One of the symptoms of eczema in babies is the appearance of a red, scaly rash on certain areas of the skin. Usually, this rash can be seen on the baby's cheeks, wrists, knees or behind the knees. Eczema rashes in babies usually feel itchy and disturb their sleep.

  • Dry and Cracked Skin

Babies with eczema often have very dry and cracked skin. Their skin looks reddish and feels rough to the touch. Cracks in the skin can cause more severe pain and inflammation if not treated properly.

  • Itching and Scratching

Babies who have eczema will experience intense itching. Babies will often scratch their skin vigorously to relieve itching. This can cause further irritation and even infection if the skin is broken.

  • Swelling and Inflammation

Eczema in babies can cause swelling and inflammation of the affected skin. The baby's skin looks red and swollen, and the eczema-affected area may feel warm to the touch.

Eczema Treatment in Babies

Treatment of eczema in babies generally involves gentle skin care measures and the use of certain medications, such as:

  1. Gentle Skin Care: Bathe baby in warm water and use a gentle, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic skin cleanser. Then, after bathing, gently pat the baby's skin with a soft towel to dry it. Furthermore, use a special moisturizer for sensitive skin.
  2. Cream or Ointment: The doctor will prescribe a corticosteroid cream or ointment to reduce inflammation and itching on the baby's skin. Make sure to follow the instructions for use and dosage given by your doctor.
  3. Avoid Triggers: Identify factors that trigger eczema in babies, such as food allergens or certain chemicals, and avoid exposure to them. Also, limit the use of soap, detergent or other skin care products that can irritate your baby's skin. Choose products that are fragrance-free and gentle.
  4. Consult a Doctor: If your baby's eczema does not improve after home treatment measures, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor can provide further evaluation and appropriate treatment.

It is important to know that you should consult a doctor before starting treatment for eczema in babies because each baby can have a unique skin condition, and the doctor will provide appropriate guidance based on your baby's specific condition.

To consult further regarding children's health problems, you can consult further with a Pediatrician.

Article written by dr. Amy Diana Ruth Oppusunggu, Sp.A ( Children's Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).