Experiencing Pain in the Elbow Area? Recognize Tennis Elbow Syndrome and its Treatment

The various daily activities that we do certainly involve the use of our elbows. Starting from simple activities, such as turning a doorknob, opening a jar lid, sweeping, typing, cutting, to physical activities that involve repetitive arm movements, such as tennis, badminton, swimming and golf. If activities in the elbow area are carried out excessively, it can cause injuries, such as tennis elbow syndrome . In fact, tennis elbow syndrome is one of the most common injuries, both in sports athletes and artists, such as painters or sculptors in the age range of 30-50 years.

Tennis elbow syndrome or lateral epicondylitis is pain and inflammation that occurs due to damage to the muscles and tendons in the elbow area. The elbow joint itself consists of the humerus, elbow bone, and elbow swivel. Usually, when there is excessive pressure on the muscle tissue and connective tissue that connects the muscles to the bones around the elbow (tendons), the outer side of the elbow can become inflamed and even tear.

Symptoms of tennis elbow syndrome can generally be felt when the sufferer straightens the arm, where there is pain that radiates from the elbow to the forearm and wrist. This pain doesn't even stop when the hand is resting. The elbows become stiff and the wrists weaken, making it difficult for sufferers to lift, hold objects, or do small things such as writing or rubbing. The fingers go numb and experience tingling.

Tennis elbow syndrome rarely causes serious health problems, but if left untreated and not treated immediately, this elbow pain will interfere with your daily activities. In most cases, tennis elbow syndrome can be cured without having to undergo surgery. Sufferers are advised to change their lifestyle by stopping activities that burden the arms. Tennis elbow syndrome sufferers can also compress the painful area with an ice bag to reduce inflammation.

If the methods above do not succeed in eliminating pain, you should do physiotherapy so that your hands are trained to make various movements. However, if the pain in your elbow does not improve, immediately consult a doctor about your condition.

To diagnose tennis elbow syndrome , usually the doctor will first ask about the symptoms and activities you do. Then the doctor will carry out a clinical examination of your shoulder, arm and wrist area. If it is true that your arm condition is caused by tennis elbow syndrome, your doctor usually recommends that you receive Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT).

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic procedure using shock waves which has the ability to treat pain in soft tissue. ESWT can relieve pain that cannot be treated with other measures such as drug therapy or other conservative measures.

EMC Pain Management Center provides ESWT procedures for those of you who experience pain in the elbows, back or spine area, shoulders, upper thighs, soles of the feet, as well as inflammation or calcification of the knees.

This shockwave therapy has minimal risk of complications because there are almost no side effects from this method. Apart from that, the duration of the action is fast, namely around five to ten minutes, followed by recovery in a short time. ESWT treatment will react directly to the painful nerve tissue and eliminate the pain so that you can return to your normal activities smoothly. Don't let elbow pain interfere with your activities, seek immediate treatment with EMC. #LiveExcellently

Article written by dr. Merie Octavia, Sp.KFR (Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at EMC Alam Sutera Hospital).