If you have a recent injury to a muscle or joint, such as sprains, muscle strains, and others, then the best choice for you is to immediately meet with an Orthopedic Specialist to get the best initial treatment.
However, in the meantime, first aid that can be carried out immediately at the scene that will be recommended by doctors is known as the acronym "RICE" . What is RICE first aid?
- Resting .
Rest the injured body part.
- Ice / Ice Compress.
Applying an ice pack to a recent injury can reduce the inflammatory reaction in the injured area and reduce swelling.
- Compression / Compression.
Applying splints in the right way to the injured part can help reduce swelling. However, it should be noted that the splinting should not be done too tightly to cause disruption of blood flow to the injured area and other areas.
- Elevation / Elevation.
Elevating or elevating the injured area above the heart will help reduce swelling. Elevation can be assisted with additional support for the injured area, such as pillows. The splinting is done from the bottom (end) to the top (base).
To prevent the injury from getting worse, there are things that must be avoided known as the acronym "HARM" . What are included in the HARM factors that need to be avoided?
- H eating / Warming up.
For injuries that have just occurred, you should not directly apply something hot to the injured area, for example: massage oil.
- Alcohol / Alcohol.
The use or consumption of alcohol is prohibited after experiencing a muscle or joint injury.
- Running / Running.
Do not force the use of injured muscles or joints for strenuous activities such as playing or running.
- Massage / Massage.
Don't do massage on areas that have just been injured, because massages that are done without confirming the condition of the injury and not by a professional can worsen the condition of the injury.
The factors included in HARM must be avoided because they can cause increased inflammation, swelling, and pain in the injured area.
So, do first aid properly, avoid things that exacerbate injuries and immediately consult an Orthopedic Specialist, for the treatment of muscle and joint injuries that you experience.
For further consultation regarding Muscle and Joint Injuries, you can consult an Orthopedic Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital.
Article written by Dr. Imelda Lumbangaol, Sp.OT (Orthopedic and Traumatology Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).