Comfortable Sectio Caesarea (SC) Delivery and Faster Recovery with the ERACS Concept

Most pregnant women feel anxious when approaching the expected Estimated Birth Day (HPL). Especially when having medical indications for SC surgery. Most pregnant women who are planning to undergo SC surgery feel anxious and afraid, because "according to stories circulating" the recovery period for SC surgery is longer than normal delivery. If you are a pregnant woman who has to undergo SC surgery, don't worry! Now SC surgery is developed using the Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean Section (ERACS) concept, which allows for a more comfortable birth process with minimal pain and faster recovery than regular SC surgery!

What is the ERACS method of delivery?

The ERACS concept is a development of the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) concept, where the ERAS concept was originally used in digestive surgery. The ERAS concept has been proven to reduce patient length of stay in hospital, reduce postoperative complications, and increase patient satisfaction. Therefore the ERAS concept was then developed for operations in other fields, one of which was in the obstetrics department.

SC is one of the most common operations performed in the obstetrics department. This SC operation is unique, if other operations are mostly done to treat diseases, SC surgery contains more meaning of happiness because the mother will meet the baby she has been waiting for for 9 months. Therefore, the experience of giving birth is an unforgettable moment. The ERACS concept makes the dreams of pregnant women come true, because apart from being comfortable and minimal in pain, this concept also allows for faster recovery so that mothers can breastfeed their babies in a comfortable position, bonding with the baby is also better, mothers can carry out their daily activities more quickly , and being able to go home in a shorter span of time.

EMC Hospital has developed Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean Section and Gynecological Surgery (ERACGS) technology, which is one of the leading services in the EMC Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.

What are the series of ERACS procedures?

  • Two hours before surgery, the patient will be given a drink containing sugar as an energy source while undergoing the procedure. In addition, before the procedure is carried out, a perioperative evaluation will be carried out by the specialist doctor in charge.
  • The anesthetist's role is to carry out preoperative assessments, choose the most appropriate type of anesthesia and speed up the patient's recovery, as well as administer anesthesia with a spinal needle with a very small size and ensure that the patient does not feel pain during anesthesia, during and after surgery.
  • The obstetrician performs the operation using optimal technique so that the operation does not take too long and is comfortable
  • The anesthesiologist also supervises and ensures a comfortable postoperative period, minimal pain, a faster mobilization process, no complications, and a shorter duration of hospital stay.

What are the advantages of using the ERACS delivery method?

  • Give birth comfortably
  • Labor aches and pains are minimal
  • Fast recovery
  • 4 hours after surgery can already move
  • Patients can be immediately given postoperative nutrition
  • The length of stay in the hospital is shorter

Those are the things you need to know about ERACS, a concept for SC delivery with minimal pain and a faster recovery period. Because of the advantages of the ERACS method, you can give birth to your baby feeling comfortable and safe.

Article reviewed by dr. Ruswantriani, Sp.OG (Obstetrics Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital) and dr. Dian Kesumarini, Sp.An (Anesthesia Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).