Come on, check out these 7 tips for maintaining nutrition and immunity during fasting!

Undergoing the fasting of Ramadan during a pandemic is certainly a challenge for Muslims in Indonesia, especially since this year will be the second year that people fast during a pandemic. Therefore, you must be extra careful in maintaining a healthy body. Make sure your nutritional needs are met to strengthen the immune system in the body. What are some things that can be done to fulfill a balanced nutritional intake and strengthen immunity during fasting? Check out the following 7 tips!

  1. Drink enough water
    Make sure your water intake is sufficient throughout the day by dividing your drinking schedule, for example: drink 1 glass (300 ml) of water: after waking up at dawn, after eating sahur, during maghrib prayer, after evening prayer, after breaking fast, before evening prayer, after tarawih , and before going to bed.
  1. Consume food with balanced nutrition
    To meet your daily nutritional needs, consume high-nutrient foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, protein, carbohydrates and healthy oils. In one meal, try to calculate portions as follows: ½ of the plate consists of vegetables and fruits, ¼ of the plate filled with protein (fish, chicken, or beans), ¼ of the other plate contains carbohydrates ( wheat, rice, pasta, sweet potato), and lastly, supplement with a little healthy oil (corn oil, soybean oil, olive oil, or canola oil).
  1. Watch portion sizes
    Meal times during fasting are divided into two, namely at dawn and iftar. Try not to eat too much at these two meals. It would be nice if you eat small portions, but divided four times with the following times and percentages: eat 40% of sahur, break your fast 10%, 40% after maghrib prayer, and 10% after tarawih prayer. That way, your digestive system is not surprised when it receives incoming food.
  1. Light exercise routine
    In addition to maintaining a balanced nutritional intake, it is also recommended that you do regular physical activity and light exercise. Activities that can be done vary, including cleaning the house for 30 minutes, exercising, yoga, or walking.
  1. Get enough sleep
    Lack of sleep will affect insulin production in the body and can lead to the emergence of various diseases. Ideally, you need 8 hours of rest in a day. Scheduling regular sleep is very important because sleep schedules can change drastically when fasting. That way, the rest time will be more quality.
  1. Manage stress
    Not only during fasting during a pandemic, stress management is in fact very important to do so that the body's immunity is maintained. The way to manage stress during fasting is to get enough sleep, be active, keep doing hobbies, and do relaxation.
  1. Recognize the condition of the body properly
    In order for your body to stay fit during fasting during a pandemic, don't forget to ensure your body's health condition. If you have a history of illness, immediately consult a doctor so that you can fast safely and comfortably.

Those are 7 tips for fasting during this pandemic. By paying attention to your nutritional intake and strengthening your body's immunity, you are expected to be able to fast smoothly until the month of Ramadan ends. Let's carry out the fasting worship with a healthy, strong, and full of enthusiasm this year. #LiveExcellently

Article written by dr. Kristina Joy Herlambang, BMedSci (Hons), MGizi, SpGK (EMC Hospital Tangerang Clinic Nutrition Specialist).