Cancer Alert: Recognize Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Causes

Cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide. This is due to the lack of public awareness to detect cancer as early as possible. Coupled with the absence of symptoms or the presence of painless lumps that arise early in its development, so it is often only detected and treated when it has reached an advanced stage.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease caused by cells that grow abnormally and continuously so that they are out of control in the body. This abnormal cell growth can damage the normal cells around it and can spread or metastasize to other organs.

Basically, the body has its own mechanism to destroy abnormal cells. However, if this mechanism fails, abnormal cells will grow uncontrollably.

What causes cancer?

The main cause of cancer is the existence of genetic factors and genetic mutations obtained from the environment. Gene mutations that cause cells to become abnormal. There are various factors that can trigger the growth of cancer cells, depending on the type of cancer. There is no specific type of cancer that is only triggered by one factor.

There are several factors that are thought to cause genetic mutations in abnormal cells, namely:

  • Smoking, drinking alcohol
  • Have a family or genetic history of cancer
  • Over 50 years of age and there are several types of cancer that are common in children.
  • Frequent exposure to radiation or chemicals
  • Viral infections such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HPV
  • Suffering from a disease that causes long-term inflammation, wounds that are difficult to heal
  • Weakened immune system (HIV)


What are the symptoms of cancer?

Symptoms of cancer that arise vary, depending on what type of cancer and which part of the body is affected by cancer. However, here are some symptoms that are often experienced by cancer sufferers:

  • A lump that doesn't feel painful over time gets bigger
  • Changes in skin color / wounds that are difficult to heal
  • Pain in one part of the body
  • Get tired and weak
  • Chronic cough
  • Bruising and bleeding suddenly
  • Recurring fever
  • Drastic weight loss >10% in 3 months
  • Excessive sweating

How to prevent cancer?

As with other diseases, almost half realize that cancer can be cured and that maintaining a healthy lifestyle can prevent cancer. Such as a healthy diet with balanced calories, eating fruits and vegetables, exercising diligently, getting enough rest, managing stress, and not smoking and not drinking alcohol are things that can be done in order to prevent cancer.

Those are various things you need to know about cancer. Don't forget, to prevent cancer by regularly checking your health with your doctor and undergoing a cancer screening test based on your risk factors.

Notes: The sooner cancer is detected, the greater the recovery achieved.

Article reviewed by dr. I Made Chandra Ari Kumara, Sp.B(K)Onk (Surgeon Specialist Consultant Oncologist at EMC Sentul Hospital).