Be Careful, These 5 Little Habits Can Trigger Cancer

As one of the most feared diseases in the world, people are willing to do everything they can to avoid cancer. Either by getting used to a healthy lifestyle, diligently exercising, to paying attention to daily nutritional intake. However, it turns out that there are some of your daily habits that can unknowingly trigger cancer.

Even though it looks trivial, these habits actually have quite an effect on the emergence of cancer cells in your body over time. To minimize your and your family's risk of getting cancer, first consider the following 5 small habits that can trigger cancer.

  1. The distance of the cellphone that is too close to the head while sleeping

In this era, mobile phones have become something that is impossible to separate from everyday human life. Without a cell phone, you will feel disconnected from the outside world and miss the latest news. It's no wonder that the first thing you see in the morning when you wake up and the last thing you see at night is your phone.

Unfortunately, the habit of putting your cellphone too close to your head at night while sleeping is very bad for your health. Reporting from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), exposure to radio frequency energy from cell phones increases the risk of cancer cells appearing in the brain. For this reason, avoid this habit by placing the cellphone a little further from your head when you are going to sleep.

  1. Sit too long

Most workers spend their time sitting while completing office tasks for at least 8 hours a day. In fact, lack of physical activity can increase a person's risk of developing endometrial, colorectal, and breast cancer. Get used to doing simple physical activities, such as stretching or walking for at least 30 minutes a day to avoid the risk of developing cancer. It can also help balance hormones in the body so that your body is always fit.

  1. Rarely exposed to the sun

The sun is often seen as an enemy by most Indonesian people for reasons of beauty. In fact, sun exposure is needed by the body, especially for adequate vitamin D intake. A study proves that people who are rarely exposed to the sun for 30 years have twice the risk of developing cancer compared to those who often do outdoor activities.

  1. Consuming alcoholic beverages and cigarettes

Unhealthy lifestyles such as consuming too much alcoholic beverages and actively smoking are one of the main causes of a person developing cancer. Types of cancer caused by the entry of alcohol into the body include: breast cancer, cancer around the head, neck, and liver whose job is to constantly filter out toxins that enter the body.

Apart from alcoholic beverages, toxic substances from cigarette smoke also have the potential to trigger cancer while accelerating the development of these cancer cells in your body. Therefore, immediately avoid these two habits if you want to minimize the risk of developing cancer.

  1. Uncontrolled eating

Controlling the intake of food that enters the body is not an easy task. This is the reason why obesity is a disease that is quite common among people. If someone is already obese, there will be a decrease in fertility, quality of movement, and an increased risk of developing cancer. The condition of the body that is too fat can result in disruption of hormone function which then makes the body more susceptible to cancer cells.

Those are five small habits that can trigger cancer in your body. If you want to avoid cancer, or at least reduce your risk of getting cancer, immediately avoid the habits above from now on. In addition, make it a habit to implement a healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family so you can always avoid disease.

This article was reviewed by dr. Wendell Ken, Sp.B, General Surgeon at EMC Sentul Hospital. Dr. Wendel's practice schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at 08.00 – 16.00 WIB and Tuesday, Friday at 13.00 – 16.00 WIB. #LiveExcellently