Be aware of Fibromyalgia Symptoms!

The exact cause of Fibromyalgia is still unknown, but it is suspected that the cause is related to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain messages that are carried throughout the body.

In addition, it is estimated that some people are more likely to experience Fibromyalgia because of the genes passed on by their parents. In many cases, the condition appears to be triggered by something physical or emotional such as an injury, infection, or stress.

Fibromyalgia, a health condition followed by musculoskeletal pain (body, neck, back) and fatigue all over the body accompanied by sleep disturbances is a condition that can interfere with the sufferer's activities. Furthermore, this condition can also cause sufferers to experience anxiety disorders or depression. In general, this condition can amplify the sensation of pain felt by the body by affecting the work of the brain and spinal cord in processing pain signals. Usually, these symptoms can affect anyone, including children, but are more common in women aged 30-50 years. Some surveys show that about 1 in 20 people have fibromyalgia to some degree.

What are the common symptoms of fibromyalgia?

The common symptom of this condition is pain that is experienced in many parts of the body and lasts for at least 3 months. The pain can be a dull ache, a burning sensation, or a stabbing. The severity of the symptoms of fibromyalgia itself can be different for each person due to the influence of the sufferer's activity and stress level.

There are several symptoms that sufferers of fibromyalgia can feel, including:

  • Pain in parts of the body and worse in the neck and back
  • Sensitive to pain, even painful when touched gently
  • Fatigue that causes sufferers to have no energy to move or malaise
  • Muscle stiffness that gets worse after being in a certain position for too long
  • Sleep disorders such as insomnia due to muscle pain are very disturbing
  • Decreased quality of sleep so that sufferers still feel tired even though they have gotten a lot of sleep
  • Headaches, especially when sufferers experience pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders
  • Cognitive disturbances such as difficulty concentrating, remembering things, and being slow to speak

Apart from that, there are also several other symptoms that accompany the symptoms of fibromyalgia, such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, bladder syndrome, anxiety, depression, and postural tachycardia syndrome.

When should you see a doctor?

If you or someone closest to you has experienced muscle pain for 3 months, then you need to check with your doctor. This also applies if the muscle pain you feel gets worse or even interferes with daily activities.

How is fibromyalgia treated?

Although it is difficult to prevent and cure, there are several methods that can be used to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms and help sufferers to carry out their daily activities. These include:

  • Consumption of drugs to help relieve pain and improve sleep quality, such as pain relievers (paracetamol, ibuprofen, tramadol), anti-seizure drugs (gabapentin and pregabalin), antidepressant drugs (amitriptyline and duloxetine)
  • Doing therapies such as physiotherapy (increasing strength and stamina), occupational (helping sufferers carry out daily activities), and psychotherapy (strengthening sufferers' beliefs in dealing with their condition)
  • Living a healthy lifestyle such as eating healthy food, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress well

The article was written by dr. Irene Halim Subrata, Sp.N (Neurology / Nerve Specialist at EMC Pekayon & Cikarang Hospital).