Do Close-up Activities Cause Myopia in Children?

Eyes when doing close-up activities such as reading books, using laptops, watching television or playing video games are activities that are often carried out by children. High visual demands with near vision and a long time can be a potential cause of myopia.

There are several studies that show a relationship between close-range activities and the development of myopia. Plose One has analyzed and conducted a review found that a lot of time children spend in close-up activities has a higher chance of developing myopia

The development of genetic factors, environmental factors also have a major contribution to the risk of myopia. A person with the APLP2 gene can be more prone to nearsightedness. In children with environmental factors, they are five times more at risk of developing myopia when spending an hour or more each day doing close work.

Myopia eye is the lens of the eye grows too long than usual which affects the light entering the eye and the image falling in front of the retina. Ultimately, this causes a person to have blurred vision when trying to focus on distant objects.

Myopia is divided into several levels.

  1. Low myopia (less than 5 Diopters) only interferes with vision and can be treated using glasses.
  2. Higher myopia is associated with an increased risk of retino-chorodial degeneration, glaucoma and cataracts leading to a significant risk of blindness.

The symptoms that are felt when children suffer from nearsightedness include:

  1. Headache
  2. Narrow eyes
  3. Blink and read a book near the eyes.

Close-range activities are impossible to avoid, there are a number of tips to add to children in daily routines that can reduce the risk of developing myopia including:

  • Make time for outdoor activities.

Studies have found that spending time outside during the day can be a solution for myopia. Invite children to play outside with a duration of more than 90 minutes every day, eyes exposed to ultraviolet light make the pupils constrict causing the eyes to focus.

In fact, a person with little sun exposure is five times more likely to have myopia.

  • Reduce the time duration of close work.

Children used to relax by spending time playing social media or video games on their cell phones. Even though these activities are an option when relaxing, this doesn't make their eye focus muscles relax.

  • Check with an eye specialist.

Get your child's eyes checked early and don't wait for your child's eye problems to get worse. The ophthalmologist will make early detection of vision problems and provide treatment according to the indications experienced by the child.

This is an explanation of Myopia in Children. To get further explanation about Myopia in Children. You can consult with an Ophthalmologist at a trusted Hospital in order to get the right treatment.

Article written by dr. Grando Setiawan, Sp.M (Eye Specialist at EMC Sentul Hospital).