5 List of Diseases that Often Appear If You're Lazy to Wash Your Hands

Even though they are invisible to the eye, various bacteria are around you and can easily be transferred through exposure to body fluids or the touch of your hands. Therefore, the habit of washing hands is very important to prevent your body from becoming a recipient or carrier of disease. If your hands are not diligently cleaned, here are five risks of disease that can attack your body:

  1. Diarrhea

The main causes of this disease are salmonella bacteria, E.coli , and norovirus which come from human or animal feces. These three bacteria can enter the digestive tract directly and can cause acute diarrhea to kidney failure. Diarrheal disease also often ranks first in the world as a cause of death for toddlers and children. Therefore, you and your family must always wash your hands properly after using the toilet, changing diapers, or preparing meat and raw food.

  1. Flu

The flow of transmission of flu (influenza) usually starts when someone sneezes and covers their mouth with their hands. Then, that person directly touches or uses public facilities, such as doorknobs, bells, or shaking hands with other people. As a result, other people who also use these public facilities or who shake their hand will become infected through direct interaction. Remember to always wash your hands after outdoor activities to reduce the risk of transmitting the flu virus in public places.

  1. Worms (ascariasis)

The process of washing hands properly must be done carefully to between the nails, because dirty nails usually contain worm eggs that cause disease. If you eat with hands that are not really clean, the worm eggs that are tucked in these nails will be eaten and then hatch in the intestines to become parasites, causing intestinal worms (ascariasis). Worms are also very prone to be experienced by children and can cause malnutrition. Worms in children not only make your child lose nutrition, but also get anemia.

  1. Hepatitis A

This disease that attacks the liver is a type of disease that is easily transmitted through contaminated food and drink. Direct contact with hepatitis A sufferers and a dirty environment can also be places where hepatitis is endemic. Hepatitis A is characterized by a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, yellowing of the skin, dark urine color, pale stool color, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the habit of washing hands is absolutely necessary as an activity that cannot be missed so that it is far from hepatitis A.

  1. Respiratory tract infection _ _

The causes of ARI (respiratory tract infection) are viruses or bacteria that attack the upper respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, throat) and lower respiratory tract (airway and lungs). The process of transmitting this disease occurs when the source of infection enters the body through food and comes into contact with the mucus in the throat, causing a decrease in the immune system. Keeping your hands and the environment around you clean is the main key so you don't get infected with this virus.

Hand washing is actually very easy to do, but it takes discipline so that we can apply it as an inseparable part of our lifestyle. If you or a family member has already been infected with the diseases mentioned above, immediately check with the EMC Hospital so that the disease does not get worse. Keep your hands clean from now on to live protected from disease. #LiveExcellently