Stroke Can Be Treated Without Major Surgery, Here's What Can Be Done

Stroke is one of the biggest contributors to the death rate in Indonesia. For this reason, it is important for you to know the causes and treatment of this disease so that you and your family can be prevented and can take the right steps to treat stroke.

Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. This supply disruption causes the intake of oxygen and nutrients to the brain to be reduced. As a result, brain cells start to die within minutes. Because it happens in a matter of minutes, it requires fast handling as well. The sooner the patient is treated, the more likely it is to avoid the risk of death.

Recognize the Symptoms and Types of Stroke

There are several symptoms that indicate a person is having a stroke. Those who have had a stroke usually have difficulty speaking, for example speaking unclearly and having difficulty understanding speech. Difficulty controlling one side of the body can also be a sign of a stroke. This usually occurs in any part of the face, eyes, arms and legs. For example, one side of your mouth that is out of balance when you smile or one of your arms looks limp. Sudden headaches and dizziness and loss of coordination when walking can also be a sign that someone is having a stroke. If you or a family member experiences some of these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Don't forget, the sooner a stroke is treated, the lower the risk of death, and the greater the chance of recovery.

There are two types of stroke known in the medical world. The first is an ischemic stroke. This type occurs when the arteries to the brain are narrowed so that blood flow to the brain is reduced. The narrowing can be caused by fat or blood clots. The second type is a hemorrhagic stroke, which occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks. This condition is also called a brain hemorrhage. Bleeding can be caused by high blood pressure, excessive use of blood thinners, and weak blood vessel walls.

Treatment of Stroke with Minimum Surgery

Now, stroke treatment does not always have to be done with major surgery. The development of technology in the medical field allows stroke surgery to be carried out with the smallest possible risk. One of the minimal risk procedures that can be performed to treat a stroke is minimally invasive surgery or minimally invasive surgery.

If you or a family member is a stroke patient, treatment with minimally invasive surgical procedures can be the right choice. This procedure causes surgical wounds that tend to be smaller so that the recovery period after stroke surgery is faster.

This minimal risk surgical procedure begins by making a small buttonhole-sized incision in the body. Through this small incision, the surgeon inserts tools and a small, high-resolution camera to help look for blocked or ruptured blood vessels that are the cause of strokes. The camera is connected to the monitor. Through the monitor, the doctor can clearly see the damage to your brain's blood vessels in real-time . Handling of problematic blood vessels can be done immediately. The final stage is to close the small incision again where the tool and camera entered your body.

Easy Ways to Prevent Stroke

Even though stroke treatment is increasingly sophisticated and minimally risky, prevention remains the best option. Here are the precautions you can take:

  1. Reduce smoking habits. Smoking can cause hardening of the walls of the arteries and blood clots.
  2. Keep blood pressure stable. Check your blood pressure regularly.
  3. Keep your weight to stay ideal. Being overweight can result in high blood pressure and heart attacks that trigger strokes.
  4. Exercise regularly to keep blood pressure stable.

In addition to the steps above, you can do early prevention of stroke by doing   brain screening . At this time, you can get a promo   brain screening   at the Tangerang EMC Hospital and Sentul EMC Hospital at a cost of Rp. 1,599,000 only. Promo   brain screening   this includes consultation with a neurologist, MRI   head non-contrast , and administrative costs. This promo is valid until 15 August 2019, so take advantage of this opportunity to detect and prevent stroke as early as possible.

So, those are important things you need to know about stroke. Keep yourself and those closest to you healthy by eating healthy food, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest. #LiveExcellently