Often Sit For Hours? Be careful, posture can change

Many activities require people to sit for hours, especially for office workers. Not only office workers, car drivers must also be willing to sit for long hours throughout the day. In fact, the habit of sitting for long hours can cause body posture, especially the buttocks to change.

Dangers of Sitting Too Long

The glutes ( glutes ) are one of the most important of the skeletal muscles in the body and are involved in hip movement, hip rotation and pelvic stability. It's not uncommon for certain body parts to feel sore after sitting for hours. This is because the buttocks muscles are closed after sitting for a long time. These closed muscles become inactive thereby straining the hip flexors and curving the spine. As a result, many people complain of back pain from sitting for long hours all day. The effects of sitting for hours will not be seen in a short period of time. It takes at least five years to feel the difference in body posture if you consistently sit for a long time all day. Not only the buttocks, other body parts such as knees and ankles will also be affected.

When you sit for hours on end, the big muscles in your buttocks don't pull the weight so the pressure and force is transferred to weak points. Buttock muscles that are not active continuously will make them weak, this condition is called muscle atrophy. This condition can worsen posture, especially for women who wish to have a beautiful posture. As a result, the shape of the buttocks becomes flat or is known as the term 'buttocks table'. Another consequence of weak buttock muscles is the loss of the buttock muscles' ability to stabilize the pelvis, so the body will tend to tilt forward and put more pressure on the lower spine.

Preventing the Formation of 'Buttocks of the Table'

If your activity requires you to sit for a long time, make sure your sitting position is correct by adjusting the chair so that your hips are slightly above your knees and your feet touch the floor. You can also add pillows on a chair to support your lower back and make your sitting position more relaxed. Adjust the position of the shoulders to stay relaxed by adjusting the position of the computer screen slightly below the shoulders. If the position of the screen is too low, the head will look down and make the neck tired quickly. Also pay attention to the position of the arms so that they are at the same height as the table and place the keyboard within your reach. Apart from adjusting your sitting position, you can do stretches that target the buttocks area to get back into a beautiful posture.

For those of you who want a beautiful back posture, buttock ( gluteal ) augmentation surgery can be a solution for changing posture due to sitting too long. This plastic surgery aims to increase the size and volume of the buttocks by inserting silicone implants . To fill the volume of the buttocks can be done through fat transfer provided you have sufficient donor fat. Buttock augmentation surgery can also be done to increase the buttocks of slim and thin people.

To maintain good posture, make sure you do a little stretching even if you have to sit for long periods of time. Small activities such as going to the bathroom or going to the office pantry will make the buttocks muscles active again and the back posture will be maintained. #LiveExcellently