Nervous Disease Attacks Young Ages

Nervous disorders do not only occur in middle-aged or elderly people. But young people can also get nervous disorders or commonly called Neuropathy. These nerve disorders are usually marked by tingling, numbness, or cramps. according to dr. Manfaluthy Hakim, Sp.S (K), head of the Neurophysiology and Peripheral Nerve Studies group at the Perdossi center, that 1 in 4 people experience symptoms of neuropathy for the first time at the age of 26-30 years.

According to experts, more than 50% of people carrying out activities and daily lifestyle are at risk of developing neuropathy. The activities and lifestyle in question are those that are continuous and repetitive, such as activities with gadgets, driving a car or motorbike, sitting in the same position for a long time, or typing on a computer for too long.

Based on the 2018 NENOIN clinical study (non-intervention research with neurotropic vitamins), activity with gadgets ranks first as the main cause of neuropathy with a rate of 61.5%, then in second place, namely driving cars and motorcycles at 58.5%, and sitting in a seated position. the same within a certain period of 53.7%.

Dr. Manfaluthy added, “Infections are getting worse when people with diabetes suffer. In people with diabetes, the prevalence rate of neuropathy increases to 50% or 1 in 2 sufferers. Those of you who have diabetes should also be wary of neuropathy. If you have neuropathy, then you have to be more careful.

There are several ways we can do to prevent nervous disorders, including regular exercise, adequate rest, and also managing diet. Another way you can do this is by taking a neurotropic vitamin once a day.

Dr. Yoska as Medical Manager of Merck Consumer Health said, "A clinical study conducted by MERCK which was published in a medical journal in 2018 proved that consumption of neurotropic vitamins not only prevented but also reduced symptoms of peripheral nerve damage such as tingling and numbness by up to 62.9% in a 3 month period. consumption." The neurotropic vitamins consist of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 which function to improve nerve cell metabolic disorders, and provide the intake needed so that the nerves can work properly.

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