The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen

Currently, sunlight is a hot topic that everyone talks about. You could say the sun can be both friend and enemy for us. Before the pandemic occurred, everyone avoided the sun because of the effects of UV rays on the sun which can cause various skin problems, such as darkening of the skin, dark spots and wrinkles, especially on the face, to the scariest thing is the effects of UV rays which can cause skin cancer. However, in reality sunlight does not always cause problems because sunlight can activate vitamin D into vitamin D3 which is important for maintaining immunity.

For this reason, we need a method that can prevent skin problems from sunburn, namely by using sunscreen or what we usually call SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Sunscreens can work by reflecting UV rays or by absorbing UV rays.

Most importantly, choose a sunscreen that protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays or multispectrum protection, and choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more. These levels show how effective sunscreen is at preventing sunburn from UVB rays. For example, if you are going to burn your skin for 10 minutes, then an SPF 15 sunscreen will protect your skin 150 minutes before it burns and eventually darkens.

The effect of sunscreen will be felt if the method of use is also right. The right way to use sunscreen, namely:

  • Use sunscreen every day even if you don't leave the house. The effect of the light in the house, the heat from the stove fire while cooking is also a cause of skin problems, especially on the face, such as dark skin and the appearance of wrinkles and dark spots.
  • Apply sunscreen at least 10-15 minutes before leaving the house. Use the right amount and not too little. Apply evenly to all parts of the face and neck. Apply also all over the body
  • Reapply sunscreen for at least 2 hours.
  • After arriving home, wash the body parts exposed to sunscreen using soap to avoid clogging the skin pores which can cause other skin problems, namely blackheads and pimples.

Written by   dr. Marsella, Dipl. AAAM   ( EMC Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center   at EMC Sentul Hospital).