Coffee connoisseurs should know, these are the positive and negative effects of coffee consumption on the body

Currently there has been a change in lifestyle in society. Along with the rise of modern coffee shops and a shift in people's consumption interests, the trend of coffee consumption has increased drastically. Coffee is an integral part of everyday life, from consuming a cup of hot coffee to accompany you when you wake up in the morning to ordering modern coffee to accompany your afternoon activities at the office.

Even though the trend of coffee consumption is increasing, knowledge about the impacts caused by coffee consumption is not widely understood by the public. If you are among those who like to consume coffee, come on, know in advance the positive and negative impacts on your body.

Positive Impact of Coffee Consumption

Several compounds in coffee actually have good benefits for the body if consumed in the right amount, for example:

  1. Helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

This is caused by a compound in coffee called phenylindan . This compound appears during the coffee roasting process. Phenylindan in coffee is not only useful for causing a bitter taste in coffee but also inhibits the combination of amyloid beta proteins and tau proteins, which are two types of proteins that are found in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

  1. Coffee can help improve human short term memory

This can happen because the caffeine compounds contained in coffee will react chemically to stimulate and help the brain string neurons to more quickly convey the stimulus information received so that the brain can focus more on the information received better for a certain short term.

  1. Coffee can help relieve headaches

The caffeine content found in coffee can help increase the efficacy of drugs that function to relieve temporary pain, such as aspirin, midol and excedrin. In addition, small amounts of caffeine are often used as the basis for many headache and migraine medications because caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties which can cause blood vessels to narrow and can restrict blood flow. Therefore, caffeine can help relieve headaches and migraines that occur due to enlarged blood vessels.

  1. Coffee is a good diuretic .

Drinking coffee can make people urinate more often. This can happen because drinks containing caffeine, such as coffee , have a diuretic effect which causes the body to produce more urine. This is good for helping the body get rid of all substances or ingredients that are no longer needed by the body.

Negative Impact of Coffee Consumption

Besides having a positive impact, coffee consumption does not always have a positive impact. In fact, consuming coffee can also cause several negative effects that can actually interfere with your health condition. To avoid it, it's a good idea to know some of the negative impacts that might be caused.

1. Causes incontinence

Coffee is indeed a good diuretic, but if consumed in excess, the caffeine contained in coffee can cause incontinence or a condition where you cannot control the frequency and urge to urinate.

2. Causes insomnia

Caffeine can cause insomnia. This can happen because caffeine is a stimulant that works by inhibiting the action of adenosine receptors in the body. Adenosine is the compound that makes us feel sleepy. Therefore, consuming coffee in large quantities or a few hours before normal bedtime can make it difficult for you to sleep.

3. Risky for people with diabetes

Excessive caffeine consumption may be harmful for diabetics. Especially for those of you who are type 2 diabetics. This is due to the effects produced by caffeine on the metabolism of type 2 diabetics. The content of caffeine can actually damage the metabolism and processing of glucose in those with type 2 diabetes.

4. Worsening the condition of people with heart disease

Coffee consumption can cause the heart to work harder. This can happen because after consuming caffeine, the heart has a tendency to produce strong contractions. Therefore, people who suffer from coronary heart disease or narrowing of the arteries are not advised to drink coffee in excess. If you still want to drink coffee, you should have no more than one glass per day with a type of coffee that is not too strong.

After knowing the positive and negative impacts that can be caused by coffee consumption, you can consider the right consumption pattern so that you can enjoy the positive effects and avoid adverse effects on your health. The recommended serving of caffeine is 400 mg per day, so you should not consume coffee in excess to keep your body healthy. #LiveExcellently