Recovery for Stroke Sufferers Becomes Faster with Minimally Invasive Surgery

Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is reduced or disrupted due to blocked blood vessels. As a result, the need for oxygen and nutrients that should be obtained by the brain is not fulfilled. Stroke is identical to a condition or attack that comes suddenly so it must be treated immediately before it's too late.

A stroke cannot be categorized as a mild health disorder, a stroke can cause dysfunction in various basic human abilities, such as cognitive, motor, sensory, and verbal abilities. In some cases, the condition of a stroke that is left too long without treatment can cause serious disruption to the body's ability.

Handling and recovery of stroke is not easy, both for patients and families of stroke patients. In some cases, patients who have had a stroke do not get proper treatment, patients are only treated with home care. Stroke patients who are treated in hospitals often feel bored to undergo treatment procedures and recovery therapy because stroke treatment requires a long process and takes a long time. Diagnosis and treatment of stroke requires high accuracy and precision, stroke treatment is carried out by combining recovery therapy and control of the patient's condition to remain stable. Periodic health checks are also mandatory to avoid complications that may occur due to stroke.

With the development of technology in the medical field, complex problems related to health, especially the treatment of stroke, are slowly being solved. One of the exciting developments in the medical field is the development of surgical techniques that are more modern, fast and effective than conventional surgery. In conventional treatment procedures, stroke patients must undergo major surgery to restore the function of blocked blood vessels. With major surgery, the recovery period tends to be long. However, at this time a new surgical technique has developed, namely minimally invasive surgical techniques or minimally invasive surgery which utilizes sophisticated technology with minimal incisions so that the process becomes less risky and complications. With this minimally invasive surgery, stroke patients can recover more quickly.

Minimally invasive surgery is a surgical procedure that minimizes incisions and pain in patients with a lower risk of complications and a shorter recovery period. This surgical procedure is performed using sophisticated instruments that are inserted through small buttonhole-sized incisions. Incisions that are made very small can reduce the risk of complications from surgery.

Through the incision hole, a tool will be inserted that can help the surgeon to see enlarged images of the internal organs so that they can be seen in detail through the monitor. Through monitors and other small surgical tools, the doctor will complete the operation. Monitors help surgery to be more precise and minimize damage to other tissues. After the surgical procedure is complete, the small incisions will be sutured. Because the incisions are small, the suture scars are smaller than open surgery. In addition, post-surgical treatment at the hospital is shorter.

Another advantage of this minimally invasive surgery is that the pain after surgery is lighter so that it does not interfere with the stroke patient's recovery period. Minimally invasive surgery can provide new hope in stroke management and recovery with better service quality and comfort. Therefore, if the person closest to you has had a stroke, minimally invasive surgery can be the right choice to make him recover more quickly and return to enjoying a quality life with you. #LiveExcellently